Monday, November 18, 2013

96 hour liberty

So we got back friday afternoon, i got in my jeep and was just a very happy person. So happy. still remembered how to drive! had cell phone service, etc. I went back took a shower and unpacked my backpack. I decided to treat myself to some chinese food, but my debit card got declined. I guess my new debit card came in the mail while i was gone which shut down my temp card. A lil frustrating, but i would go to the bank the next day and fix it. Went to sleep that night in my own bed, very comfortable. Next morning i wake up, go to fix my card, get some chow at the galley. Get a hair cut, i was beignning to feel like my normal self again, it was nice. Clay and Jackson wanted to go to the casino that night, so i said why not. Had a little extra money, and wanted to get out and have a good time. We got a hotel room, and drank a little bit, then went downstairs and gambled. Did pretty well on roulette, then i wanted to play some poker, and ended up losing 100 bucks there, then called it quits. I had a fun night. Relaxed the rest of the next day. And here it is monday, going back to work on tuesday. Woke up sick this morning, so i went out and bought some nyquil/day quil, and humidifier, i love those things for some reason. And lemoore air is very dry, so i thought why not. So i got that thing going, i took a bath, read my book, and have been working on this blog for quite a while. Ima text Matt (flight instructor) sometime this week, when i feel better to see if i can start flying next weekend again. Everyone who took the 3rd class exam should find out by thanksgiving whhether they made it or not, and i will get promoted with them. But im still going to ask my chief how its looking for my promotion everyday until it happens, the 6th month mark was yesterday, so i should be 3rd class by now. Hopefully my next paycheck BETTER reflect my payraise, and I will be getting an extra 100 dollars a month cuz i wont be paying my MGI bill anymore. WOW already a year in the navy, that was quick. SO things to look forward to- hope there is a PC board in the next week or two. C school starts December 2nd. E-4 promotion should be within the next two weeks. Thanksgiving is next week, unless ticket prices go down, i will be staying in cali for that. And Christmas leave will be taken December 24th-January 2nd. So nowwww, hopefully my next blog ill be a PC and third class. We shall see.

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