Thursday, October 10, 2013

Going through the motions

Well then, almost another month gone by and not another post. hmmm. Happy October I guess? I thought i had a bunch of stuff to write about, but i dont really think i do. Started back on days- which is nice. I enjoy coming home while the sun is still out, and heck im even starting to go to the gym meow. I wake up and get breakfast made to order in the morning. Its so nice waking up and knowing ill be having an omlet before work. Ive really been enjoying my breakfast lately. Ive been flying at least once a weekend, sometimes twice, doing multiple ground lessons, etc. Stuff is so much fun. Love learning all that stuff and flying is so much fun. So far we've done some basic manuevers like turning and we even did some stalls in the airplane, which is when the pitch is so high up, and there is not enough forward motion that the plane cant go forward any longer, so it dips down. Its kinda like your own personal rollercoaster, pretty cool. And im feeling a lot more comfortable in the airplane too. I got my first "stage check" this coming saturday, which is kinda like my first test to see where im at in flying. It should go rather smoothly since im getting more and more comfortable in the airplane. Im doing really well at correcting my mistakes right away and maintaining the right altitude or pitch when needed. I even get to take off, and i landed for the first time last weekend. Its fairly easier than i remember, its like the plane does everything itself. Speaking of which- last saturday i woke up early to go get some breakfast before flying. Well i thought i would explore the dunkin donuts that was in my phone about a half hour away from fresno (where i fly). So i follow my GPS, and im thinking to myself that this cant be true, theres no way there is a dunkin donuts here and no one talks about it. So im following, following and i take a right, then another right, and meow im in the middle of a neighborhood with 500 ft to go. Just as i expected, no dunks. I was so mad, but i didnt give up hope yet, i thought i would call them up to see if they moved. I called them up, told them i was near a jack in the box and hopef they would give me directions from there. They said i was about a half hour away, and gave me their address. I hang up the phone and the caller ID says Texas. I enter the address, it brings me to texas. So i guess i was a couple states off from my dunkin donuts. I then proceeded to get a breakfast sandwich and a coffee from starbucks, my #2. Not really anything else going on though. this life is beginning to stablize a little bit, and i know what to expect meow. Ive been launching jets quite a lot cuz- practice makes perfect. In order to make PC, you have to get a bunch of signatures, take 3 tests, do a walkaround of the jet with a Quality Assurance Representative, and go to a board and tell them what you know. A lot of people have become PC in the past 2 weeks, and the all said it was a very easy process. But were running out of trainees meow, so i finished off my signatures, and i took 1 out of the 3 tests already, got a 96. Wasnt really that hard at alls. My 3rd class promotion will be coming up in a month. Cant wait for that. I may be a trainee now, but most of the PCs are the same rank as everyone else, they just have that qual, and it makes them seem like they are better than 95% of the navy. But 3rd class petty officer, thats a different story. The tides will soon change, and favor me. I'll be in charge then. They gon' learn today. But yeah ima try to get PC by Christmas, that would be nice to go home to. There are two 12 days of leave "palm periods" were people can take leave. Mine will be for like the 18th to the 25th of december. Fly home to l town, spend the weekend there, then drive down to South Carolina for Christmas with the full family. It should be nice, since i missed out on last christmas LOL bootcamp probs. Upcoming detachments- we got a det to the boat for like a month at the end of october, but with the government shutting down and alls, i dno where in the heck we would get money from, but id like to see if we actually go on the det. A month on the boat, 12 hour days, 7 days a week. Sounds like fun right? probably not, but i do want the experience. Then, they are already talking about another detatchment to Key west at the end of january for a couple weeks. I would love to go to that. 85% of the command is going, and the per diem is like 75 bucks a day. Save all that money, maybe party a night or two, but its still a lot of money. So thats where my future outlook is to right meow. Det, promotion, christmas, det. I figure it would take me another 4 months to get my private pilots license, if everything goes smoothly (straight). thats not counting in for detachments or leave or anything. Its exciting though, and i dont mind that it might take a while, cuz im only doing it on weekends, whats the rush? im having fun right? Miss home every meow and then, but ill see them every couple of months. I also have C school, and TAD (temporary assigned duty) to look forward to. C school is just 2 months of learning more about engines, and is a skate in the park from what i hear. and TAD is a month of coming in late- getting off early- mopping a floor every now and then. And on days all we do is flight schedule. We dont really have time to do washjobs, which is nice. But its gives us time to work on quals and everything. Also saving a lot of money too because I now eat breakfast lunch and dinner at the galley. But yeah, i think thats about it. Still thinking about a def. job in aviation, but who knows, i got another 4 years to go. and anything can change. But other than that we're good here over on the west coast. Got monday off. I know this was an unorganized mess, but i just felt i needed to check in. Heck this might be the last blog until after i go to the boat for a month. IF we go to the boat. Still wanna get my sea legs.

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