Sunday, September 15, 2013

Upcoming events lol- Mid Sept.

Ok, so half the command is in Fallon, Nevada. I am going to days this week, and rumor has it will be staying on days, cuz we are getting a new LPO, bascially a boss, so i can maybe live a somewhat regular sleep schedule?! I dno. But its funny cuz Mich really wanted to go to days, and i heard he was, and got a little upset that i wasnt going too cuz i work really well with him, but then he took me aside and told me that i was also coming to days as well. I was really excited to hear that. So Mon-Fri 630am-330pm. I got 2 doctor appointments this week, so it should make the days go by faster lol. I get to put my paperwork in for my accelerated advancement this week, so i can get that started and hoipefully have no hiccups getting that promotion- which will tremendously help with my private pilots license. We have Physical Fitness test coming up in a month, and theyre doing weigh ins this week i think? If you are over your BMI, you have to go to early morning FEP- which is just working out in the morning before work to get back in shape. Im about 10 pounds over my limit, but i think it will be good, get me outta bed, back in shape, and i HAVE to go to this, so its nto like i can hit snooze, like i usually do. Get me in shape for our test in a month. We have a boat det schedule for the end of October- i heard it could be anywhere from 10 days to 4 weeks. But we all remember what happened to the last boat det right?!?! lol. But i think it would be so cool to go to the boat for a month, i at least want a taste of this hell i hear. bring it on, ya know? downside is that i would have to suspened some of my lessons of my flying lessons, but he understands since its the government, and theres nothing they can do about it, and he used to be navy- so he knows. But im going to try and do like 2 ground lessons and 1 flight lesson every saturday and sunday if i can. that will work out nicely since i cant really do it during the week. But i would love to spend my time flying on the weekends. why not right?! proactive. I would love to get my private pilots license by the end of the year at least. Then i could visit jared, and it would be a whole lot easier, take him for a spin. Visit Dave in LA, take him for a spin, have a fun time. These are all future goals though, they seem realistic in my mind at least. I dno about colorado flying though, cuz it is the mile high state. and flying in mountains is a whole new animal. But yeah, i wouldnt mind using the MGI bill towards my instrument rating, and commercial rating eventually, maybe get outta the navy and start a career as a pilot? i dno, that would be pretty cool. Way in the future though. WAYYYY in the future. step by step, lets get the privot pilots license first lol. But yeah really just focusing on me lately, and learning new stuff for the navy, and extra cirricular activities, kinda faded out with Alyson, and its kinda of long distance. So i guess i just work on whats in front of me, and better myself, and everything else will fall into place? Sounds good to me. Im happy, i got stuff to look forward to every weekend, got my jeep out here, racking up the bills in gas money lol. Buddy of mine was talking about bungee jumping within the next month, wouldnt mind getting on board that train, ive always wanted to do that, scary though. But yeah, one foot in front of the other. Ill try not to wait another month and a half to update this. lol

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