Monday, December 2, 2013

Take offs and landings

So that weekend, i had flying lessons saturday and sunday. Granted i havent even reviewed anything about flying within the past like 3 weeks, being on the boat and all, i felt unprepared for this flight, so i got there a little early and read over some stuff on the traffic pattern and landing an airplane. I eventually went up and talked to my flight instructor, and i immediatly went to go preflight the plane since Matt had a full day ahead of himself, there wasnt much time for discussion. So i preflighted the plane, and low and behold my plane had too muchc fuel in it for us to take off in. If the plane weighs too much, then it is not good for flight, and we cant fly. Once we figured that out, it was said that we wouldnt have enough time to do the lesson what we wanted to do, so we just hung out and talked about the boat for a little bit, which was fun. But i told him i would get there a lot earlier on sunday to get us ready to go. Which i did. Sunday rolls around and we are in the plane quickly. We take off, and head over to an uncontrolled airport, one that does not have a control tower. We took off and landed like 5 times, and just practiced that the whole time. It was a little nerve racking, but by the end i think i was getting the hang of it. besides the next 2 lessons are working on landing still. Then my solo, is coming up fairly soon, exciting! I left the day with a little more confidence and wind beneath my wings LOL. So flying was going good. Ill get my private pilots license someday lol.

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