Monday, December 2, 2013

Two working days before Thanksgiving!!

So clay and i have been pushing for a PC board a lot, he's been stuck in limbo for like a month and a half, me only like a week and a half lol, but i felt bad. So we asked everyday for a PC board. Monday rolls around, and Im heading to C school in a week, I would like PC baord before i head out over there, and i even wanna get promoted too, but it was looking down. Then tuesday comes. Huge day in the books. We get to the line shak to find out that the results for the 3rd class petty officer came out, and everyone was excited and hoping they made it. I already knew i made 3rd class, but i had to wait till eeryone else knew in order to go through indoc with them, and get frocked with them. So the results were in. Clays job rating had a 84% passing rating-pretty good odds he got the promotion, but he was still scared. Ended up getting it. I think he was the only one on days the got it. I was so excited for him. All the crap we talked earlier about us being petty officers finally came through, and thats exactly what we'll be. Jumping way ahead of the game by putting on the crow. So a lot of people were angry or upset that day, but we still had the rest of the day to go, and Clay and i made sure to address each other as petty officer, which was a lot of fun. Rumor had it we were going to board that same day as well. The last chance before thanksgiving to get this. Petty officer indoctrination would be the next week Mon, Tues, Wed. and the frocking (putting on the crow) would be on Wednesday. We were just happy to hear that, since that effected our pay, well at least mine immediatly. Rumor going around was that there was a PC board at 1130am. WE were super excited, the closest we were gettting to going on the board, and we were getting like 5 days off after, so we were very happy no matter what. We shined our boots and reviewed what we needed to and got ready. 11 am comes around and we head up to an office area. We stood by and waited for everyone to show up. They do, everythigns looking great!! An officer talks to clay and tells him to come on in, and it was off to the races. I was just hoping he didnt take long so i got the chance to go in as well. I waited for what seemed like forever. But we knew our stuff to the T. As i waited though, there was a cheif down the hallway a little bit who kept going in and out of a door. It was far enough for him to say something, and i could hear it, but not that i would respond because i didnt want the board room to hear me say something. I was standing at parade rest, looking very professional. I guess when you stand like that, and are alone waiting to enter a room, people automatically think youre in trouble. This cheif ending up saying something along the lines of "uh oh, someones in trouble, whatd you do now?" But as he said that he went in to his room down the hall, again, i didnt want to say anything cuz i didnt want to be loud, so i just shrugged it off. So then he came out and said "dont worry, ive been to a review board a couple of times, and everything turned out fine, youll get over it, and it will all pass." i just nodded my head and smiled cuz there was honestly nothing to say at that point. Throughout this time waiting, i can hear some of the things the higher ups were saying, and i kept quizzing myself, but also second guessing myself. So i just cleared my mind and paced back and forth. Eventually clay came out and pretended he just hit a homerun saying it was very easy. He tried lending me a hand on some hard questions, but couldnt remember anything for the life of him. I said oh well, finally my turn. I get in there- 6 people, 3 enlisted, 3 officers. I had to introduce myself as if i were by the jet and talking to the pilots. Nailed it. Off to a great start. THen my leading petty officer of the line shak was ready to ask me questions. This was the do or die portion of the board. You get asked emergency procedures, and if you dont know them youre done, because whats the point of becoming a plane captian if you dont know what to do in an emergency? When we studied these EP's we always went over them in the same order, it was just fluent the way we said our answers, and it was like robotic. Just so happens he asked these questions in the same order we studied them. I nailed every single aspect of every single emergency procedure that was thrown at me. Verbatim from the book, and any questions they had about them, i had the answer. It was looking up, and i felt more confident than ever. After he got done asking me the questions, i knew i had won my board over. Just two more enlisted, and 3 more officers, and i can leave. I knew the two enlisted would be a lot harder than the last 3 officers, it was an uphill climb, but i could see the top. Next person was cheif. Asked a lot of questions about the boat, in which i just came from, and i answered most of his questions unknowlingly, and he was very impressed with the knowledge that i threw at him. Next was Quality assurance, or my old Leading petty officer. He was also a mechanic, so i thought it would be tough. But he saw how well i did with the first two, and was very impressed. It ended up going smoothly as well, and i answered questions to the best of my ability, which most of the time ended up being right, i knew my way to the answers. After that was done, i knew it was over. The officers just had some motherhood advice to give me, and that was about it. I left the room, came back and shook everyones hand. I had finally made PC. NO getting that smile off my face. Plane captain and Petty officer the same time as my best friend out here. We were unstoppable. Only way was up now.

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