Sunday, September 15, 2013

Back ro reality- with a jeep, and Dave?

So, that weekend, i chilled hardcore, organized my life. My closet, took the doors of my jeep. Ready to go back to work on sunday. Excited to see everyone. Ended up being a pretty hard week- yet a very productive week. Finished my basic 4 quals that i needed to get done before I start on my Plane Captain. That felt so good to get out of the way. I nailed it right in the beginning, aced the tests, etc. Just gotta get signed off meow. That next weekend came, had a new book, just wanted to hang out and save money from my road trip again, so i did nothing and had a great time doing. I slept a lottttt that week and weekend. Afraid i was going back into my hibernation stages again, but i couldnt let that happen. So the next week goes by, and i made plans with the one and only - Dave Briski. We had a 4 day weekend that weekend (Labor day weekend) woohoo! time to let my hair down lol. Friday came along, no duty that weekend. Woke up aroudn noon, and headed to LA. 3 hour drive, PSHHHH that was nothing compared to what i had been doing. So i got there, needed to get gas, so i was making a turn, and who drives by with their head out the window screaming my name? Dave. gosh it was so good to see him. I got gas and a thirty rack and went to his place. We hugged, caught up, ready for a great weekend. We started drinking, he made some steak, and vege's. pretty good dave. reminisced on old times. So we started drinking, couple of his friends came over, great great people. Then, typical frick move, got extremely tired and ended up going to sleep on an air mattress. They went out- and i woke up 14 hours later the next day. I was tired? I was a lil upset with myself, but was happy i had another night to redeem myself. So we got some breakfast, and waited for his buddy to come over, then we went to san diego to visit his other buddy. Another long drive, but i was a pssenger this time, which was nice. We get to his buddies place and immediatly go to the beach. Ughh such a nice beach, with huge waves. So much fun to play in. Played a little catch with the football, body surfed, all the fun stuff. Got some KFC and got ready to go out for the night. Daves first friend doesnt drink, so he is always the DD everywhere, which is very conveniant. So we pregamed, and then went out on the town. Went into like 5 bars it seemed like. Saw a buddy from bootcamp which was pretty cool, and just had a really fun night. Went back to the kid in san deigos place and crashed there. Woke up, and went back to daves house. Passed out for a couple hours, and then i drove home on sunday to lemoore to rest up that night, and monday night, which was really nice.

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