Sunday, September 15, 2013


Ahhhhh, the road trip. Wake up early monday morning, bitter sweet. leaving home, but bring ol betsy with me- and paps lol. We head out around 7 i think. Our first stop- Niagra Falls. only a 7 hour drive, how hard could it be?!?! Paps and i switched off like 4 hour intervals the whole time- those were some long intervals. So we made it to Niagra falls just fine- a little cloudy/rainy, but we did what we went to do, see the falls. You need your passport to go on the canadian side meow, so we got a view from America, which i thought was plenty enough. after being there for like an hour, we were on the road again to illinois i believe. I could be totally wrong. but i think we stopped somewhere around there. Didnt seem like we made it very far- at all, according to the map. Got a hotel- military discount is amazingly generous to us. Love hotel beds for some reason, even though theyre probably gross, theyre just so comfy. We traveled like 15 hours the first day? well into 11pm at night. Got up early the next day, got some dunks- while we still could. Then we traveled, and only stopped for gas. the only other major check points we wanted to hit were Jared in Colorado, and Vegas baby, vegas. So we traveled down from illinois and ended up stopping on the boarder of kansas? Gosh im to lazy to check a map, but it sounds right. These places were in the middle of no where. Im talking wind mill farms, huge wind mills. everywhere. seemed something out of a sci-fi movie. We stopped at hooters for dinner, buff chix was alright- good not great. retired early that night-paps was feeling a lil under the weather, and we needed to plan it so we could see jared. bout 8 hours away from him at this second hotel. Next day, wake up early head to colorado, end up meeting up with jared for dinner-530ish(time was on our side, we kept gaining hours as we went along lol) We went out to a nice, very nice, steak place. I got a filet with bleu cheese and bason, and baked potatoe, oh my, im salivating just thinking about it. washed it down with a blue moon and orange wedge. It was truly amazing. Meow jared just drove across country as well, so it was nice to see his new place, which was amazing, and colorado seems like a great place, he seems very happy. all around great move on his part. look forward to hooking up with him again in the future since we're close(r) than we were. Maybe meet in vegas. lol. So after we dropped jared off, and had another 2 hours to go to get to VALE(sp?) that looks right. A little cold in the mountains- high up in elevation, but an absolute beautiful town. A skiers paradise if you will. Reminds me of the movie Out Cold. I would retire there in a heart beat. very rich town. We stayed at a marriot, which was absolutely beautiful. Indoor hot tub and pool. Strutted our stuff down to the hot tub, and relaxed before going to sleep that night. Woke up to a beautiful view, cold crisp air. oh man, amazing. then we were 8, or 10 hours away from vegas. we hit the road, ended up in the humid air of las vegas. felt like we were walking through a sauna, and we had no airconditioning, cuz- well, jeep doesnt have a/c, its a jeep thing. jeep wave. mmmm. Anyway. drove down the vegas strip, and parked at the stratosphere hotel. umm i think it was 30 bucks a night? yes please. got tickets to see david copperfield that night at 9, but it was only like 6 at this time. so i did what anyone else would do in vegas- jumped off the hotel, lol. Its called the skyjump. Its a controlled freefall from 888 feet up i think it is? but i got to the top, and i was extremely scared, ughhh just taking the first step was all i had to do, but it was HARD. totes worth it in the end. Paps was at the bottom calling me crazy. Then i needed an alcoholic beverage to soothe my nerves, cuz they were firing on alls cylinders. Stopped and got a burger at a joint that had spraying mists everywhere. Creative, and cool! def got a vodka sprite lol. Then we headed to David Copperfield. Amazing show, seems like a great guy, and his tricks were unbelievable. He made a car appear on stage out of no where, and a motorcylce. Its rediculous, honestly have no idea how he did it, and i used to be BIG on magic tricks. Nope, no idea. So after the amazing show, we headed back to our hotel room. Paps was ready to hit the hay- about midnight by meow? I was ready to go gamble!! took a whopping 60 bucks out, big spendaaaa. Went down to the roulette table, lol marc. played that for a little, made a lot of friends on the table- free drinks. then i decided to try my luck at blackjack. It was me and this one other dude, i still had no idea when to hit, or stay, so he helped me out a little but, and the cards were HOTTTT. we both were up a crap ton- had like over a hundred bucks in front of me, feeling good. So thats when you start tipping the dealer, and tipping the waitress lol. Needless to say we got a new dealer, and i lost all my money. No fairy tail ended, just the harsh reality. Went back up to the room around 2 am and passed out. Woke up hungover the next day, ready for our last 6 hour leg of the drive to be over with. Paps drove first lol. drove through pretty much nothing, and finally ended up in Lemoore. I never thought i would be excited to be there, but boy was i. Had my jeep. We unpack the whole thing, put the bikini top on, man does it look good. I go check in on the OPS side- showed my Dad the jets. I was explaining everything about them, and i realized i knew a lot more about them than i thought i did, which made me happy. After that we headed to fresno, his flight left at like 6am the next morning, so we got a hotel there. I dropped him off at the airport the next morning, then went back to the hotel and passed out till 11, when i had to check out lol. Road Trip complete. Happy i did it.

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