Sunday, September 15, 2013

Leave Aug 8th-16th

Whoops. Kinda waited a month and a half to enter a new blog post. Better late than never i guess right?!? So I know it might not be as detailed as you want it to be, but my memory has been faded, and i might skip over a couple things, but ill try my best to remember them. My leave started at midnight on the 8th of august. I had all my stuff packed and ready to go home. Anderson let me use her car that morning to park at the airport, because she was becoming a legal citizen in fresno anyway, and would just pick up her car on the way home. So it worked out perfectly. Got settled at the Fresno airport- 3hours early might i add. I was a little excited to get home lol. boarded that flight, landed in LA, boarded that flight- a 5 hour flight home nonstop to boston, where my parents would be picking me up. I sleep for most of the way home, but never stand up once the whole ride. I got a window seat luckily, but i hate bothering people to get up, so i just sucked it up. Got into boston around 8, rents bought me a buff chix calzone, which was off da hookkkkk. Thanks Mom and Dad!!! Funny thing about our conversation, is that when i was telling them about work, etc. I swore (f bomb) right in front of them, so naturally. I never swear in front of my parents, but i guess i have a sailors mouth meow. So i got home around like 930ish? And bowen was texting me, so i thought i would swing up and say hello to him real quick- mind you its a thursday, so he had work the next morning, and a family's dog's aunts wedding, or somthing that he had to go to. He's got the largest extended family i know. So i saw him for a couple hours, then drove back to l town where i passed out in cloud, respectfully. The next day, i woke up, and got some delish jay house with molly, yib, and troy. Great food, and great company to say the least- so nice to see them. It was also plouring cats and dogs, which i loved, and proceeded to walk slowely through. Oh and it was great to be driving the jeep-although i would later on bite my tongue because i had to drive it for 5 days across the US. Friday afternoon Alyson came over, we went to dinner with my rents at the 99, then we went to dennys for some late night breakfast. Which was delish. Went home and passed out. Next morning we wake up and get some dunks, oh man have i missed dunks- and that afternoon, Alyson was back on her way up to Maineski. At this time i decided to drive up to portsmouth again to see marcus ceralius, allen allerson, and andy dufrane. we ended up going to pooplex, and going out to the bars at UNH. Quite a fun time, dont remember much though LOL! woke up the next morning and allen lost his phone for probably like 2 hours. Marc and i sat and enjoyed rest our calves on a nice sofa as allen paced the pooplex. After this- now sunday, already flying by- i was already up in the portsmouth area- bout a half hour from ogunquit. And there was one person i didnt see yet. The giraffe named thomas. went up there a lil hung over, talked with his rents about life and then had a little one on one time with thomas out to lunch. it was fantastic. We ate at the rose cove, and even had time to stop by the rooneys to say hello. I dropped thomas off and went home to pack my things for this cross country trip with papa bear.

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