Sunday, September 15, 2013

First launch/ flying lessons

So the next week, first week in september ended up being a huge week for me. hmmm seem to be noticing a pattern. But lets rewind a little bit here. Still on the night shift, having a good time with all of them. making a lot of friends, starting to take control, and still am a hard worker. i got 2 months until (if everything goes right) i get promoted on the spot. Looking forward to that. So now that all those quals are done. time to work on the PC. And the only way to do that was start studying, which im really good at. So i started studying, and my buddy Mich who taught me basically everythign about everything wanted me to launch for him one day. So i got the guts to do it one day. That flight got cancelled. I was so upset- launching is a big step by the way, its like 20 minutes of hand signals to the pilots telling them what to do, etc. I was losing sleep over this stuff, and dreaming of the hand signals. So the next day i knew what i had to do, launch. We had 5 jets going up, and they ALL got cancelled again. I was starting the think it wasnt meant to be. But i didnt give up. 3rd times a charm. Launched the crap outta that jet. I was so nervous i was shaking, my knees are a little bad, and we have to bend down for some of the launch, so i almost lost my balance a couple of times, but i made it through. Forgot like 4 steps, but Mich was right behind me the whole time, so he helped me out, and the pilot new i was new. Said i did very good for my first time, and have huge potential. lets hope. that was nice. So after i got that first launch of my chest, i was excited about life, and i knew it only got easier from there. It felt so good. Such a relief. a lot of fun too. So that made my week, and i decided to lay low for the rest of the week, cuz i felt accomplished. On another note. I have recently been talkint to my parents about takign flying lessons again. I went to daniel webster college my frist year of college, went to become a pilot, got like halfway throught the private pilot program, transferred to UNH, had the best years of my life, tried getting a real job after college, wasnt doing it for me, joined the navy on a whim, got a random rate to work on jet engines. 9 months later im launching and recoerving jets on a naval air base, coming full circle with this whole flying thing. I dno, the more i think about it the more i think that i wasnt meant to sit still, i feel like i constantly need change in my life- good or bad, but i think im addicted to adrenaline rushes, and love the excitement of learning new things. I absolutely love reading, writing, and learning. I hate getting into a routine, and having no excitedment in my life. Always constantly looking for something new. So that friday, night check has it off- i went to the flying club here on base. Just wanted to crunch some numbers with the guy. They are only open MWF 10am-2pm. not great hours. it was a run down shack on the side of the airport, asking 12 grand to get the private pilots license. I thought this would be the end all be all best deal- cuz comon, its on base. They dont even let you use the MGI bill towards it, i thought you could, cuz its a class and a license- nope. ONly on instrument ratings, and commercial pilot license. So i thought to look elsewhere, just for kicks and giggles. Called my dad up told him the price, and that i was still looking. Found a place in fresno 35-45 minutes away charging 8500. I drove my butt up there and talked with the guy. Nice airport, nice building, books everywhere, starter guides, classrooms, professional pilots on duty, etc. Told them my situation, and they even told me that most Lemoore navy guys go to them. So i was so relieved, and immeidalty called my Dad to tell him the news. He was just as excited as i was, and i had a huge smile on my face. Told him I really wanted to do this, and would start a payment plan, etc. Both my parents were on my side, and excited for my new adventure. I asked them what i needed to do, and i just needed to get a third class physical, and get my passport here so i can start. Got the physical the next week, and my parents overnighted my passport. Things were falling together. The place called me back with an instructor that could start that weekend. I was super pumped.

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