Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July- Fast Forward

Holyyyy Smokes!! Where do i begin?!?!?! I guess the reasoning behind my blogging less, is: working on night shifts, using my tablet instead of my regular computer, maybe cuz im more busier than usual? wow. Wierd how things have changed!! Okay, so ill try to remember what has happened in the past weeks, bear with me lol. Umm i moved out of my old roommates room? I dno if i told yall that but here we go!! He got promoted to E4, and once you hit E4 you can live by yourself, and if the barracks are full you can live off base and collect BAH, which is money the navy gives you for housing. Another benefit to getting promoted quicker! So after moving out of ARCE's room, thats his name, i moved into BOWIE's room. Same exact setup, cept the ventilation system leads down to a kid with a drum set who likes to practice around 2pm, lol. time to get up anyway!! So bowie and i got moved to night check, where i am the lowest of the low in rank wise. aka the newest person on night check aka i do evvvv verrrr rayyyy thangggg. which i dont mind, these weeks have already passed by so quickly and im hardly sitting on my butt inside. Im constantly moving, doing stuff to help the time go by quicker so we can get out and get home on time or even early!! So things have been going pretty well. Hung around the other weekend, and didnt really do much cuz i had to work that weekend. But last weekend Anderson and I planned a trip to the lake we passed on the way to the Sequoia National Park. We invited people, and ARCE and BOWIE actually said yes, so they came along!! We actually had a pretty fun time. We bought some adult beverages, and some floaties. We just hung out on the river all day (it led into the lake), and drank and became merry. So it was a really fun time, finally clicking with people around here, and making some pretty good friends. They see that i am a hard worker, and i dont complain about anything, i just do it. Thats the way things work around here, and you dont want to be known as the complainer, cuz then you get more work assigned to you. But i tell ya, i work my butt off some nights, and im happy to know it doesnt go unnoticed. Slowely gaining respect around here, i hope. Speaking of, last tuesday we had command PT, where we would all meet at the gym and work out together. Well i usually go and sign the paper and then do my own workout, but i heard people play basketball all the time there. Yes, i get nervous, but doggonit i wanted to play really bad, hadnt played in like a month and a half. So i ran back and grabbed my ankle braces lol. Always gotta have my ankle braces. Surprisingly no one said anything about them. I waited for the next game to begin, and got put on a team, i didnt know a couple kids, but they were in my squadron and ive seen them around, so i just introduced myself-outside of work. We balled hard for 2 straight games. And let me tell you, i have never played that great of basketball in my life. I was getting every rebound, and putting up rediculous shots, and giving amazing assists, the stars were aligned, or maybe its just cuz ive been working out like crazy, i dno. But considering i was the only caucasian there lol, i was doing really well. Would say it was a stepping stone in gaining respect from my co workers, cuz they thought i was really good. I walked away proud that daym which made for a great night, and better relationships with my coworkers. everything was beginning to click.
So the nights would come and the nights would go, We would be getting out around 1am, and i would set an alarm for like 9am, get up, go to the gym, head to starbucks (i order the same thing everyday at the same time, trying to become a regular, but its not working :/) and then come back and take a nap till i have to go to work. Still working on getting some qualifications, and doing well on that. We had a change of command, which basically means we got a new boss. They had a ceremony in the hangar bay, with a pig roast, and chicken and everything, it was so good. They also did a fly by really low to the ground to simulate the transfer of power, it was pretty cool to witness, then once his jet landed, it got sprayed by the fire trucks, LOL you guys!!!! So you. But in other news, we are going on a training mission on like the 10th of July on the carrier to get experience for next year when we deploy. Itll only be like 10 days on the ship, but still, some good training excercises. And i cant wait to experience the ship either! that things gotta be like wickedddd huge!! Anyway, we had a 3 star admiral come in and talk to us about our $$$ problems. We are aiming for going on deployment sometime next year, thats all he could tell us, we dont know much of anything, and cant plan much out cuz we barely have any money. Heck the barracks cant even support air conditioning when the outside temp reaches over 100 degrees, and then the showers stay cold from time to time. Whatever, doesnt really bother me much, builds experience right? maybe ill write that on my resume, perfect.
Other good things are happening as well! Put my request in to leave and go home for a little bit in mid august. Surprisingly it is going very well so far. filled out the paperwork, and all the signatures are working their way up the chain of command. Its amazing how painless and quick the process is going, makes me very excited. So i get to go to the aircraft carrier for a little bit, come back for a week, then leave like a week later, get my jeep out here, and just kick it. umm, sounds perfect to me.
Anyways, Im pretty set on accepting my early promotion, my best friend Tom called the other day (thanks for reading Thomas, althought i could really use a back crack- maybe when i come back? lol) And we were just chit chatting on the phone, and i was telling him about my scenario, cuz he obvs read my blog about it. And he agrees with me that i need to do what is right for me, and i cant be thinking about what my friends are going to be doing, and where they will be by then. It is my life, and i need to do what is best for me, so he is 100% on my side for it, which made me pretty excited. Good to catch up with him, long time no talk on the phone. Probs just see him soon anyway lol.
Heck i got so cocky to the point i even asked about OCS- officer candidate school. Since my GPA wasnt good enough to apply to be an officer before, Its a lot easier once i have already been in, to apply to go to that boot camp. Once news got around that i was doing that in my shop, everyone started making jokes about me having a degree. Never thought i would get made fun of for having one of those lol. But hey why not put it to good use right? So i spoke with my supervisor about it, and he immediatly became super pumped, which in turn made me more pumped. He immediatly got on it, and could see that i was doing my research part of it, so he would do his. Got me an appointment with an officer, but it had to be postponed till after all this settles down with the holidays, and the boat detatchment. But i mean, it is just going alls so fast. The pay for officers too- its outta this world compared to enlisted, and you would get more respect, and bootcamp alls over again- lol which i think would be a lot of fun!!! I know what to expect, and can help others with the experience i already have. Easy ways of getting an application through would be to have a wide array of options for what program (job) i would want to do, which im perfectly fine with. Probably just end up being a paper pusher anyway, making bank. We shall see were this adventure takes me though.
As of right meow: just hanging out, getting ready for the 4th of july celebrations. Anderson and I are going to a lake up north, like an hour away. Got a campsite for 3 nights, rented a tent, probably just hang out, go fishing and relax. Get away to nature for a little bit ya know? Im quite excited about it. Good things are coming, and they are coming quick. Who knows when the next time ill be able to blog. lol. Im excited though. lets do this.

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