Wednesday, July 17, 2013

First boat detachment!!! Or so you thought.

The dates were of July 8th through 12th. That week everyone was bustin their butts on the line shack. We were flying a lot, and working really harding, washing jets, just getting ready for our 10 day cruise. It was a rough week, but mannn was it worth it, gonna be a lot of fun on the boat, even though everyone speaks poorly of it, but i was excited for a new experience. So friday comes around, i wake up from a nice sleep to a phone call- boat dets been cancelled. They claimed that our boat had some issues with it, and it wasnt departing, yet another squadron went on the same deployment, and they were already on the boat, heading out to sea. So then the grapevine  produces that we didnt have enough money to go on the boat det. Which makes total sense. Cuz our squadron doesnt have anyyyyy money what so ever. more money more problems though right?!?! omg right?!? I mean its not a bad thing for us though cuz our work schedule is a joke. same thing every day, every night. Like i said in our previous blog, we dont even know what is going to happen tomorrow, its rediculous. We just hold on tight and see where this trip is gonna take us. Lil frustrating cuz we cant really plan anything. But hopefully we hear something soon. No aircraft carrier for this guy :/ They said there is a rain date at the end of august... we'll see about that navy lol.

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