Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Review Board/ Leave granted

heyoooooo new week!! fresh out of the 14th of july. smack dab in the middle of the month. That monday i got called unexpectedly- in midst of eating my pb and j (extra j of course, concord grape). Sat down with an officer, and my supervisor to go over how i was doing so far. Fantastic. Everything looked great, and the future was looking great too. My supervisor said that he remembers the first day i came in to the shop, i was looking for something to do, some way to help out (LOL so me). I hate just sitting around and not doing anything, especially if i could help dontcha know. Kind of painful just hanging out and literally doing nothing. uggghhh pffft. So after my head hit the clouds on that subject, i spoke with my supervisor to see how my leave was coming along so i could go home. He said it was out of his hands meow, and that i should go check with someone else. So i marched right upstairs and asked the guy in charge. he had 5 pieces of paper in his hand. Mine was the last one... Approved!!! bam homerun im coming  home. 10 days of leave, leaving on a thursday, driving back on like monday, getting to cali in like 5 or 6 days. perfect. I can start planning my life. No one could wipe that smile off my face. I told everyone and their mother i got these days off. Told Alyson we were gonna hang out erryday i was home, and she willingfully approved, thank goodness. Even hoping she gets that friday off from work, so we get an extra day together!! Anyway, that night i went home and bought my airline ticket. One way all the way into boston, felt good to finally buy it. only 3 hundo bee tee dubs. what a bargain. granted i got a middle seat for the 5 hour flight from LA to boston... YOLO. So its been like cloud 9 already, such a great day, told my pops, he started his process, and i can finally have my jeep out here. Life is good. Easy workload too.

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