Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Shootin' some bball outside the school

So, up-to-date meow. Talking in the first person. Fresh. Like fresh cookies out of the oven. but let me rewind and talk about basketball yesterday real quick, cuz it makes me feel good about myself. Get to Physical training a little late, but finish warming up with the squadron. then everyone parts ways- people play soccer, basketball, dodgeball or just run around the track. I was going to play basketball. So everyone gathered around. doing full court. Their were captains, and they were picking teams-  listen this is where it gets good. 5 on 5, and there were like 25 people there. that means 4 on each team ( subtracting the captain from each team) leaves me 8 chances out of 23 to get picked right? hope im doing this right. so each team picks a person. Then I see a cheif and First class petty officer ( 3 and 4 pay grades above me) pointing at me. I was staring off into space cuz i knew like 1 person there. I was the 3rd person picked. granted i was the tallest one there, they must have biased me with my height, so they picked me, and asked if i was good when i ran over to them. I couldnt say no, so i said heck ya! gimme the rock right bowen? Got me going, especially to see like 15 people walk off the court cuz our teams had to play. Take that recess basketball. Youd be so proud Mom. Anyway, we played, i worked my butt off, and play a fantastic game, im like really good, and only getting better. Its super weird, but im lovin it. We ended up going 3-0 for the day, and then i had to get home to shower and go to work. I was so sore. Pretty sure my hip and neck were dislocated, but figured i could sleep it off. Hurt a little at work, but just walked it off, head held high. Came home showered, and passed out. Luckily i woke with just a little pain in my neck. Little did i know this day was going to get much worst. Wayoooooooooooooooooo you have to read the next blog meow.

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