Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ask and you shall receive

Woke up to a voicemail, from an unknown number. Only voicemails I like are from Alyson, or when Tom butt dials me and cant shut his car alarm off. I listen to the voicemail, granted i already know somethings wrong- voicemails are never good ESPECIALLY from unknown numbers. Basically someone yelling at me cuz i wasnt at the check in process for my new command ( C school )- its right down the road for me. I jump up and start making some phone calls, what the heck is this? When i checked in, i knew i had a C school that i had to go to ( C school is a secondary schooling that people go to, to learn about specific aircrafts, mine being the F/A-18 super hornet, did i sound cool there?) and i asked literally every person when i would be going to school, i even showed them in my orders the dates that i was suppose to attend. What did they say? They said dont listen to your orders, those are never correct, the navy will decide when you go to c school, they will let us know and we will let you know. So i immediately put that on the back burner. Didnt even think about it, thinking my command would give me some kind of heads up. Nope. Wake up to a phone call saying im late for school. Oh. okay.And im working night check, so instead of sleeping in, i gotta go run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I get my finest uniform on, cuz i heard they are pretty harsh at the schooling, cuz they deal with mostly new people, coming from A school. Pshh ive been in the fleet for a month and a half- i know everything. So i go over to check in, talk to the guy. Walk in, theyve been waiting for me. This is never good. Everything in the navy youre suppose to be early- i was like 2 hours and a day late. Ignorance is bliss. Talked to the guy- very nice, told him everything. He prepared me by telling me ill be like a ping pong ball today, got a lot of catching up to do. ruh roh. here we go again. Told me to go check out of my command (have to take a bus mind you) and then come back and check in to my new command. Gonne be a long day. I think about everything, like im switching commands, aka everything from my previous command is invalid, and this will be my new command until august 20th.... umm 12 days after when i was suppose to have leave? you gotta be kidding me. At that point my life came crushing down, wasnt going on leave, wasnt gonna see Alyson, no jeep, no road trip, no nothing. I went to my old command via bus, and when i got there, everyone was scrambling getting my paperwork together. They knew something was wrong and working their butts off to get me out of that command. So it took like 2 seconds to leave that command, and i was back on the bus back to my new command. Went to go check in, but the lady was at lunch. Which, at this exact moment was a huge blessing in disguise. wow did not see that one at all. Since she was at lunch, i had to come back at 2:40 to check in before class (night class 330pm-10pm). So frustrated Steven sluggishly walked back to his barracks, thinking of ways to change what was going on. I called American Airlines to try and refund my ticket. HAAAA good one. You paid 300 dollars for the ticket, we are going to take 200 of those dollars, and give you a 100 dollar credit. shucks i bought it like a day ago, give me a break. I expressed my anger with my Mother, and we started brainstorming about how to get my jeep out here, if i should buy a new one, just a lot of things that i didnt even want to think about, cuz i thought i had this all planned out, and i hate when plans take a turn for the worst. I told her i would see what the first day of class was like, and then we can discuss further details. It was about 1:40 pm here (4:40 EST lol) so Alyson called me on her way home from work, and i told her everything, and it was just a horrible day. She simply just said that i should tell someone my situation, and ask them if there is anything that could be done. I'm thinking long shot, but shes right, whats the worst that could happen? everything that already did. I head over to the guy to check in to the command. He says we were gonna wait for another girl to get here so we can go check in together. He continues his everyday tasks leaving me sitting in front of his desk. I say to him, "Can i ask you a question sir?" He politely said yes. And i told him everything. How my old command promised me leave, how i already bought my ticket, had planned everything, Father got work off, etc, heck i almost broke down talking to him. He looked at me disgusted, not that i was disgusting, but like what did these people from the other command tell this kid? They really messed up. He's sighed for a while and then told me options- class comes first, but this is a unique case, you only get one day off from missing classes, still didnt seem like i was getting anywhere. I was trying my best to reason with him, like yeah, maybe ill just take that weekend off and go home for a weekend, and hang out? pshh still doesnt get my jeep out here. He could see that i was trying to meet him halfway, but it wasnt working. He's like yeah know what? let me send you over to my buddy, he's a retired master chief (top of the top enlisted). I was like okay, let me go plead my case to someone whose retired and probably already hates my guts. I went over, told him my whole situation, told him everything. He straight up told me class comes first and that i am part of this command now, then i KNEW there was more. He said 'BUT' at the end of that sentence. Still holding on to this sliver of hope. He said let me talk to your old master chief at your prior command. He said worst case scenario is that i would be dropped from class, and wouldnt have it until next year (february) and i would stay with my other command until then. I was slowely coming out of my shell, i was like really? He said the phones were down, and that they would get the information for tomorrow. Thats all i could ask for. There was still hope. So the other guy brings me and the girl to check in at the new place, it goes swiftly and promptly, and we head on to class. We walk in to class and there were 2 teachers already in there, called me mr popular because my name was already being thrown around at the higher ranks and everywhere in the building. I didnt know what to say and took a seat. The moment my cheeks hit that seat, the retired senior chief came in to the class room and said Frick, get your @$$ out here, youre no longer in this class. My smile grew like a bijillion times, and i even told the guy how happy he made me. hahaha it was such a turn of events. This all happened within like 20 minutes of me telling them my situation, to me getting kicked out of class. Talk about an emotional roller coaster eh? I ran back to the check in place, told them to cancel and was heading to my old command to work a regular night. At this point in the day, the bus schedule was getting sparse, and i needed to get to work. Who do i see walking out of the barracks? Anderson, i asked her if she could give me a ride to work, and she thankfully said yes. I grabbed my stuff and went to work. I arrived at work, and boy let me tell you, i have never missed a group of people so much. It was so great to see all of them, and be back in my comfort zone, knowing everything was going back to the way it was. Even though i was a little tired and cranky- people could tell (whoops, gimme a break ive been running aroudn alls day). So i worked for like 2 hours, and everyone was telling me that i shouldnt have even come to work cuz of their mess up, and ive been running around all day. So Arce could see me frustration and he told me to just ask our supervisor if i could go home early. So i did just that- asked him if i could go home early- like 9 or 10pm i was hoping for. He said yes, and then he said just go home now. Freedom at 6pm. Walked off the line, and waited at the bus stop for my buddy Hopson to pick me up. Easy day, no?

Two situations in which just asking changed my life. Small or large, it meant a lot to me. Prob go to bed meow. rough day LOL

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