Saturday, June 1, 2013

Friday 5/31- Juicing Day 6

Friday!!! everyones favorite day of the week. I wake up every morning, just feeling better, and feeling a little skinnier too. Couldnt wait to hit the gym today and see my weight. had my morning apple juice this time, pretty good- and the same ol thing happened- grabbed the bus and off to work!!
This is basically my work station. Checked my email on the bus, and found out we got paid today too!! $$$$ cha ching. what a great day it already started off to be. Get into work excited, finally remembering peoples names, saying goodmorning, happy friday. Everyone seemed to be in a cheery mood. We had some early flights taking off so we rushed everything a little bit, checked the tarmat for Foreign Object Damage (FOD) little pieces of like metal that could injure the plane. We do it every morning- takes like a half hour. Then we started getting these planes ready! Launch like 5 planes off- they usually dont come back for like an hour and a half, so we just went inside and hung out. No wash jobs today or anything. Got a lot of work done on the paper work end. Met the CMC (command master chief) In charge of our whole command, like 250 people. Got a free ball cap, and had the meeting postponed like 2 times, cuz its hard to have a meeting with him. After that, I went to my work area and no one really needed help with anything, so i just started asking people more questions. Printed out some study guides for future tests i will be taking. Got a lot done. Recovered the jets when they came back, and then refueled them again for another take off. Was interupted mid fuel to go to lunch, so a couple of us went to lunch, discussed what everyone was doing for the weekend, had a good time. Came back and launched another couple of jets, then when they came back we only had 1 more jet that had to take off for the day- seemed like an easy day. So were all just hanging out, recovered the 4 jets that left, put them to sleep for the weekend- just chained them down and put covers on them. Then round about 1, there was a MOD A jet that was going to take off. This jet just came back from being worked on in the shop, so they needed to test every little button out, so it would take longer than usual. Were out there for like an hour and a half before they found something was wrong with the engine. They shut it down and decided to just work on it monday, everyone was pretty excited with that outcome. We put that jet to sleep and waited a little bit before they let us go for the weekend.
They let us go, and i got a ride home with my buddy from work, hope he doesnt mind i ask him a ride home everyday cuz we live in the same barracks lol. couple of us go home with him actually. Got home, went straight to the gym, and decided i would have a good workout today. Ran a 6:42 mile, my personal best ever!! i was very excited. Then i lifted for a little bit, did some shopping, and i was absolutely wiped out. Wanted to stay in and get some rest for my triathalon tomorrow!!
So i took a shower, popped on the office, and went to bed around 10pm. mmm. had a very, extremely good day. down like a total of 8 pounds at this point to. Gets me excited. lol

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