Sunday, June 2, 2013

Saturday 6/1- Juicing Day 7/ Triathlon

Happy birthday marc!!! Saturday morning comes around. Feeling quite nervous about this triathlon. Even thought about skipping it lol, but i wanted to do this. It was at 10am, and i was already up at like 8am. went to bed at like 10pm last night, so i was feeling pretty good. I ate an apple for breakfast and got my stuff together. Headed over around 915, guess i was pretty early. Checked in, and just hung out for a lil bit until people got there. Chit chatted a lil bit with some people asking the usual questions of are you ready, have you done this before, etc. I talk to the instructor and he tells us that it will be 8 times down and back in the pool. It didnt seem that bad, but when you look at the pool youre like oh crap thats a long time.
Seemed like the longest pool in the world. So it was getting near the time to start. Had all my stuff ready for the transitioning to biking, then to running. It was 800m ( i think) swim, 6 mile bike, and 1.5 mile run. Easy day right? we have 5 minutes to transition to each station. They let us go in 5 minute intervals in the pool, that way we werent alls clustered. The clock started, i started to swim, within the first half of the lane, my arms were already feeling like jello. I know how to swim, i jsut cant coordinate my breathing with my swimming. So after 2 lanes, i was already doing the backstroke, but suprisingly i was doing pretty well, i didnt stop, like a lot of people did. there was a solid 20-25 people there. Came out of the pool in like 7th. I ran over to my towel, dried off and went in changed in the locker room. Took me like 1 minute to change. After that i grabbed my water bottle and ipod, and ran to the bike station and started peddling. This was pretty tough, arms were tired, happy i could use my legs at this point, but 6 miles is a lot. youre just looking at the clock, and how many .1 miles you travel, and its like youre not getting anywhere. But since the other people are next to you, they give you inspiration, etc. So i finished that in like 20 minutes. On to the run, 1.5 miles with an incline of 1.5%. the incline really hurt me here, even that little bit, i could feel it in my shins. The guy next to me was running at a solid 8, and i was trying to keep up with him even though he was already a half a mile ahead. Then a girl comes next to me, and lightly jogs, so i make her my new competition. She wasnt jogging that fast, but you could tell we were around the same age, and she wanted to finish strong, so i was determined to beat her. So i ran for a minute, then i just couldnt take it anymore, i briskly walked for another minute, and i alternated like that every minute, which kept me in a pretty good position of the girl next to me. I finished strong with a mile and a half of just over 14. Weak, but after swimming and biking, it really takes a toll on you.
I didnt know i was making such a weird face at the time, but that was me, fully exhausted. Just lounged on the beach chairs outside by the pool for like 20 minutes after. Went and showered, and had possibly the greatest lunch of all time. Big salad this time, and a cup of milk. figure i would reward myself (somewhat).\
The rest of the day i just lounged about, couldnt really move. OH forgot to mention - free water bottle for completing it. yayy!! he hasnt posted the results yet, but im eager to see how i did compared to everyone else. Then i just watched the office, and had a celebratory beer that night :) good day.

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