Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Six Flags/Weekend of the 15th

Vrooooooooooooooooooooooom! Fast forward a week i guess? I have barely had time to get on this thing, but i couldnt wait too long to do my next blog. So here we go. The rest of last week went well. Friday we had off- so Anderson and I, and another work friend went to six flags. Picked up the rental car that morning at 9am. Then we had about a 2.5 hour drive to the LA area. We were basically swerving in and out of mountains the whole time. Pretty neat. We get to six flags, and we start hitting up a bunch of coasters. Waiting in line stinks, but it was only like 20-30 minute waits. Then we came to the two rides i really wanted to go on. The sling shot, and a freefall one. They sling shot looked like this:
You just sit in a chair and they sling shot you like 200ft up in the air. That was a ton of fun!! When we were done with that, they couldnt get the shoulder harnesses off of us, so we got to go on again for free. This was 30 dollars for two people, so there was no line. It was such a rush. The other awesome one was the free fall, where you are attached to a cable, and you control when you drop, and you swing back and forth. Kinda like a huge swing, cept at 150ft in the air. Just the adrenaline rush i was looking for! We continued to own all the rides in the park, and eventually stopped for some ice cream from coldstone.
So around closing time we hit up our last ride called X2. Man was that such a great ride to end on. especially at night, and you literally had no idea what was going to happen next. Gave us a real boost for the ride home. So we got in the car around 10pm, and everything was going swimmingly until we hit some traffic. Probably got stuck in like 45 minutes worth of traffic. Found out it was an auto accident, but we ended up making it home by 2am.
Pass out and return the car in the morning. Went to the gym- which might i add i am making great gains at the gym. Been running super fast miles- im talking 6:15 miles, and 10:00 mile and a half, which is my all time best. Its been feeling really good lately, and my ability to resist more weight has increased as well. its awesome. So then i went to the pool. Brought a book, and got a lil sleepy. Ended up falling asleep for a good time. Meow im burnt to a crisp, but honestly look really really really really good. Itll fade to tanness, and my Portuguese will come out :) Then on sunday i had quite the relaxing day, didnt do much. Oh yeah! got a notice on my door that i needed to switch rooms ( down the hall ) cuz my roommate got promoted, and at that rate, you get to have your own room. So i moved most of my stuff out that night, and finished up in the morning. Got a lot done on monday morning, cuz, well night check started!

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