Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday 6/2- Juicing Day 8

Decided to sleep in today. Well actually woke up round 9, watched two episodes of the office, then fell back asleep till 12, so i was having a lazy day. Went to lunch- had a salad. Pretty much decided i was going to only juice during the week, cuz i have less time to think during the week, its usually just go go go, and my mind is always thinking about something, so i figured id juice during the week, breakfast, salad with juice for lunch, and then a yogurt for dinner. I mean, i see this stuff is working so why not? Im down like 9 pounds, and ive been working my butt off for this, and it feels really really good. Heck, i havent had bread for the past 8 days, or anything fried, barely any meat- only fish- so dont judge, its working. So every night i will juice for the next days festivities. Went to the gym today. its like 100 degrees out, i swear i get tan walking everywhere i go. i have THE worst farmers tan ever. Whatevs, ill finish it off sometime. After i left the gym (pretty good work out), i heard that the out door pool is open for the summer. Thought id swing by, cuz i saw a slide over there.
Look at that bad boy, like a 2 minute walk from the gym or my humble abode. 25$ a month pass, or 3$ for which ever day you wanna go. I only had debit so i couldnt get a pass, but man those slides look fun!! Get a little excitement in my life! yeah! So i just came back and showered and meow im here. Juiced up for tomorrow, apple and strawberry, pretty excited for that. Pretty much did all my errands yesterday, hair cut, bought some binders, did some laundry. very productive. Even talked to molly for like an hour yesterday, nice catching up with friends!!
But yeah, work tomorrow, so i might be a little late with some blogs but uhh should be a regular week. The part for my jeep comes in friday- hopefully we can get it fixed by next friday, then shipped by 2 weeks after that? Within a month? hmmm- until then, just work on my juicing, working out, so that when i do get my vehicle, ill be in the best shape of my life. Oh future goals.

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