Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Night Check/ Life thoughts

Alright so Monday night comes, already had a great day so far. Took a nap till about 2:30pm. Got ready for work, and was there by like 3:15pm. immediatly started launching jets, and recovering them per usual, but this time i was already learning a lot of new stuff. It was nice, cuz they were going in to detail, and since i was the newest there, everyone had something to say to teach me the ways. Kinda like my own lil private lessons. So then we got a jet ready to be washed, started washing it, recovered my jets. It started getting dark out, and the runways lit up, pretty dang cool. and when the jets take off, you can see there after burner, which turns out to be a flourescent blue. So cool to see all this stuff happening, and you dont have the heat of the midday sun as well. Then it was time to take some fuel samples from the jets, cept when i did it, it went horribly wrong. I stuck the pin in, got a sample, but the valve never closed. It was this little hole that was spraying fuel everywhere. I yelled to my friend to help and he tried to as well, but couldnt get it to shut, i ended up running in the shop and getting some more help. after about 4 people trying, we got it shut, with a lot of fuel on the ground lol. What a great way to start off my night shift experience! Then we had to fuel some jets, met a nice old guy there who was in the navy 20 years!! talked to him a lot, and kinda just hung out. Night check is a lot more laid back than days. Its so nice, but we know what needs to get done, and when, so it works out. Got back around 2am, took a shower and passed out. Woke up a like 830am. Got myself a coffee (iced of course), and bought some yogurt. Then i went to the gym. Cept today, one of the first days i did not feel up to par with running. My joints were a little sore, and running just wasnt my cup of tea. I still ran, but then i walked a little more but i raised the elevation, so it was like i was walking up a hill. Then out of no where, i see a rowing machine. Rowing machines and I used to go way back, in londonderry. I immediatly got super excited and went on to rowing for 10 minutes. Ive read this before, but I guess your body eventually gets used to the types of work outs youre doing, and you need to try new ones to trick your body. Well that is exactly what i did. I am super excited to start this new journey with rowing. Its a pretty good workout too!
Life thoughts: Okay so here are just some random thoughts that i would like to remember and jot down, in case i forget about upcoming events/ long term goals.
Ive been here a month so far, havent missed a gym day cept for my 1 day off a week, which is usually thursdays. May have quit juicing, but i feel like im in the best shape of my life, and getting there.
Bought new sunglasses for $5, and had a silver sharpie from bootcamp, gained like $150.
I dont know if you can see it, but in the upper left hand corner of the screen, i wrote rayban, makes me feel rich without spending the money LOL! cheap i know, but who has to know?
I am enjoying my time here in the Navy, meeting new people, and having new experiences. Working on myself and trying to be a better person.
Yes, the navy is not for everyone, but as of right now, i would like to get out after my 4 years. I know ive only been in 6 months, but theres a lot of things i would love to do on my own time.
I spoke with Tom Bever, asked him about the Appalachian trail, said i would need about 4-5k, to do the whole trip. And then he asked me if i wanted to do the pacific crest trail, same thing just on the west coast. I was extremely happy and said yes. Hopefully that can follow through, but that, again is 3 and a half years away. I asked him if he would wait for me, he said he needed to get a job to get more money to do his next trail. So yeah, that does sound like a pretty good plan.
Long term goals i would like to accomplish while in the navy- pay off my student loans, save money for that hike, save enough money for 6 months of rent for when i get out to fall back on while looking for a job. Use my GI bill for a private pilots license, all the way through to a commercial pilots license. Maybe become a pilot when i get out? Not too sure about anything at this point in time, but i still think that would be pretty cool. Work at an airport, or get a job as a police officer, endless oppertunities with the resume im building hopefully. I have thought about getting a lift kit on my jeep- only cuz every person here who owns a jeep has it lifted pretty high. Going cost would be around like 1200 total or more. I thought about it long and hard, and yeah it would be pretty nice, but i dont think i neeeeeeed that right meow. Could use that money on a lot of different things.
Cross country trip with Paps- Come home for a friday morning, party it up friday night and saturday night. Then get on the road by sunday. Some places that i would like to see would be niagra falls, even if we jsut swing by these places i would be happy, texas, colorado (maybe visit jared), Grand Canyon, Las vegas, and some redwood forests. There might be more that i think of later, but these seem on the way, and a great idea. Things i would need to bring are: skis, and boots, winter gear, def.
I found out yesterday that active duty persons get free skiing, lessons, gear at all national parks in california. So instead of getting a season pass somewhere, all we would have to pay is for lodging near the national park. Anderson thinks thats a great idea, and i think that would be awesome. Sweet POW.
But yeah, these are the long term goals of what i wanna do whilst in the navy, alls subject to change lol, but still wanna know what i was thinking when i read this in a couple months/ years from meow. Keep up the good work.

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