Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday 6/4- Juicing Day 10

Doing pretty well today! Woke up 1 minute before my alarm, ughh. Texted my father on the way to work to ask him about getting my jeep out here by doing a road trip. Id rather use the money that i would ship it across states to make something out of it and get experience, and see new things, and spend time with my father. What better way than to get my jeep here asap? Im surviving just great with out it, but it will be nice to have it. I can wait like another 2 and a half months. So i texted him, and he loved the idea! hes already getting very excited. The things that frighten me about it are that the navy can literally change their mind about anything at any time. But were suppose to go to another city for a week in the middle of july, so that wont interfere with anything, and were not suppose to get deployed till next year, so the only thing i have to worry about it C school, which will be like a month, but its whenever the navy can fit me in their schedule. So when they see that i request to take some leave time, they should honor that, because they are always trying to help people take leave. So i was excited. And if you leave after 4pm on a day, it doesnt count as a leave day- and if you come back before midnight on a day, it doesnt count as a leave day either. So its looking pretty good. Anyway, got in to work, and ended up getting my duct diver quals right away! they got approved and everything! Duct diving is basically making sure there is nothing in the fan blades before the engine takes off. Probably one of the easiest quals to get, but i got it!!! yayy. very good start to the day. Then we went to lunch- had more apple juice for breakfast- then only had a salad for lunch. did pretty well today. We get out at 2pm today cuz our command has PT together at 330, so that will help out if im in a time crunch. Cuz i love to PT :) But yeah, gotta run to the market, get some fresh apples and strawberries, then probs watch some more office, but thats pretty much it for the day.
Woke up feeling really good. Checked out myself in the mirror- and just smiled. Ill weigh myself today to get a 10 day count. Hopefully its a good number. Tomorrows hump day!! woohoo. Gotta research some stops for my road trip too. Maybe ill save that for the weekend though. hmmm
Oh- and some bungee jumping places have wieght limits- like 225 max. Which is even MORE inspiration for me to lose weight.

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