Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sunday 6/9 -Tues. 6/11 pool/getoutofjailfree/watch

Sunday morning comes quick, wake up go to the gym, feeling great. And it is a beautiful day out, so i thought what better way to spend it then go to the water park on base. This thing was pretty cool. 3 dollars to get in, and guess who i saw there? Anderson! We really like the same things, its weird. So i jumped in the pool, tried jumping off one of the professional diving boards, but i almost ended up hurting myself. Then i went down the really fast slide, that kinda just went straight down. It was super fast, i yelled while going down without even knowing it. It was over in like 2 seconds. Then i went up again and went down the boring curvy slide. There was never a line for the steep slide cuz everyone was too scared to go on it. After that, i just laid out for a bit, went back home and watched some more office. Time to get ready for the week. Only gonna be a 4 day week, pretty pumped about it, but still didnt realllllly wanna go to work. Both monday and tuesday were very busy, like non stop work of fueling jets, bringing them in, moving them around, inspecting them, etc. Busy days kinda go by fast too, which is always a good thing.
Update: i have given up on juicing by this point. I am going to stick to eating healthy and "colorful" though. Its just a lot harder than what the movie put it out to be. Id like to see that guy clean out his juice every fricken time he uses it. It takes forever, and its annoying. Takes like a half hour of my time, and i just want to relax, and i barely have time for myself. So by cutting that time to make the juice, and clean it, it gives me an extra like 45 minutes to an hour of free time. More time at the gym, and more time to relax instead of stress out about stupid stuff.
Still trying to cut weight, but ive been going up quite a lot on how much i can lift during different exercises. Its exciting. So Anderson and i were talking on monday about our long weekend, and what we were going to do this weekend, if anything. She suggested a theme park, so i did some research, and theres like a 6 flags 2 hours away, so i asked her if she wanted to go, and she said she would love to. Just gotta rent a car, for that day (rentacar is on base) and the tickets only 40 bucks. So were gonna go friday, hopefully it wont be as crowded as a weekend, but were both very excited. something to look forward to.
Tuesday was a huge day over all. As you all know, i got into the accelerated advancement program through A school. Honor student in their class gets to get promoted to the next level after 6 months of probation. While everyone else has to take a test in septemeber or march, pass, and then be selected to get promoted. So the chances are against you for going the normal way, unless you score pretty high. I got the easy way "push button e4" But agreeing to this it adds another year to your contract. I signed that in A school, at the time thinking it was a very good idea, and kinda bragging to everyone that i would be an e4 alot earlier than most people and get paid more. The more i thought about it, the worse it got. Another year in the navy- something i didnt even know if i would like or not? Heck i didnt even know what i was doing when i joined the navy. I dno if this is made for me (right moew i sure dont). but im still loving it, making the best of it, and gaining so much experience and oppertunity. I love new stuff, and learning new things and meeting new people. But adding an extra year on to this what seems prison sentence- just doesnt seem worth it anymore. Thats when a buddy of mine told me that i can still deny the paperwork since i didnt get promoted yet. It opened my eyes, and made me the happiest kid in the shop. i went and spoke with admin to see if he was right, and they only made me happier, cuz they said i still have to apply for the approval of getting promoted. So as long as i dont do anything, the extra year wont be added on. Its like getting out of jail a year early (kinda). But i mean saying i only have 3 1/2 years left instead of 4 1/2 years sounds so much better, adn makes me a lot happier. I mean heck, there is still so much i want to do with my life, but im being held down by the navy cuz i cant just run away and do what i want. My resume will look fantastic when i get out of here, so im not worried about finding a job. Just trying to experience life. Anyway- also found out that i will be moving to nights next week. nights here are 330pm to around 130am. Which isnt bad at all, not like my old job at least. Im pretty excited about that, meet more people, and ill be able to get quals faster cuz there are less trainees on nights than days. They have sunday night off, and i have friday off, so i got kinda an extra long weekend :) Bought the rental car today, and my 6 flag ticket. Cant wait for that!
Also got put on watch for tonight (tuesday night) midnight till 6am. Which is not bad at all cuz then i get wednesday off, and only have to go in for thursday. ill take it! just gotta hang around the hangar bay and make sure no creepers come around the jets. Thats basically it. maybe do a little reading lol. But life is looking pretty good right meow. I knew it would start to look better. just had to give it some time :) but im happy

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