Saturday, June 1, 2013

Thursday 5/30- Juicing Day 5

I know, im getting a little behind, but its the freakin weekend, time to catch up. So Thursday. Wake up in the morning, have my orange fresh juice from the fridge. Pack alls my stuff and im out to the bus stop by 553, just in time to make it. Get on the bus and im off to work. My second day, i kinda know what to do in the morning, so i go out and get the jets ready for flight. Which is basically just take off the tie down chains, and the covers on the engines. Once that was done, we find out we have to wash a plane which is located like a quarter mile away and bring it down to our section. So we all walked down, like 8 of us. Someone drove one of those little cars that hook on to the jet to move it around. We got it alls set up and it took like an hour to get it back to our place. By that time it was time to get ready to launch some jets. So i think we launched like 4 of them, got them off the ground perfectly and everything was going smoothly. Went back over and had a while to wash down the jets. So we just washed it for the next hour or so. I had to do some paper work again, so i was in and out of the office alls day, while also working on the washing.
that was the plane we were washing. snapped that pic on my way to lunch lol. So we went to lunch, had a light salad, which was delish, and when we came back the plane was all done being washed. Then we had to recover some planes that were coming back, and send them right back out again after we refueled them. After we sent those guys out, a couple of the new guys and I went to try and get some more signatures, and order some flight line gear, like a jacket, boots, gloves, etc. After that it was a little bit of down time until the next planes came back. We just wait on planes alls day basically.They came back around 130, we recovered, then the next planes were going out at 3, once again refueled and hung around. At 300 we had a meeting for all the people who passed their test and got promoted. All hands mustered in the hangar bay, and we all congratulated them on getting promoted. After that, we went home. 
Today was a day i would not go to the gym, so i could have a day of rest before my triathlon on saturday, i was pretty excited about it cuz i was going hard everyday. OH, and i got 3 packages from mother today, which i brough back and teared open. mmm, i alot sweatshirts, shirts, tablet, it was a pretty good day. Cleaned up the room and it was time for the office!! I had a yogurt for dinner, and watched the office for a solid 2 hours straight, and went to bed at like 9pm. what a great night.
PS- i know it may not seem like im juicing much anymore but what i do is have a drink in the morning for breakfast, and then i have one in the mid afternoon for an energy boost, then usually a yogurt for dinner. Ive upgraded my diet. 

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