Sunday, June 9, 2013

Wed. 6/5- Friday 6/7

Thought I would start compacting the blogs since, mostly the same things happen everyday for the work week. This was a pretty good week. Ended up working really hard. It is a very labor intensive job, and since im new, i can find myself doing the most work outta alls the people there. Boy was it a hot week too! got up tot he 100s by the end of it, feeling real burnt. I have seemed to be straying from the juicing path, and just started yogurting, cuz juicing is a lot of hard work, i mean just cleaning the thing takes a long time too. Lot of upkeep. As long as im looking good and feeling good, i guess thats alls that matters. I took Thursday off from the gym as my off day, which was nice. Always need an off day every once and a while. But im still setting personal records at the gym for myself, so i dont feel bad. Been eating healthy too. Tons of veges, all mixed into a salad, a very colorful plate. Plus with all the labor intensiveness at work, i have been sweating a crap ton too, and it seems to be getting me into shape as well.
On friday, i started working on my break rider quals. Thats when we need to move a jet somewhere without the pilots being in the cockpit, and it has to be towed on a tractor. Well for safety precautions, a person sits in the cockpit, and is in charge of the breaks, and emergency breaks. So i was sitting up there, and it was a pretty cool experience.
Been meeting a lot of people lately too, so its nice to joke around with some kids while at work, or waiting for the planes to arrive, makes it not so tough of a job. Its amazing. All these kids that i work with can joke around all the time, but when it is time to work, boy do they work hard, and they do it right too. Work hard play hard. There has also been a rumor going around that sometime next week i will be changing to night shift. Cuz they have so many trainees on days, they need people going to nights. I heard this would be a good experience, because it is a lot slower at night, and i can personally work on all my quals without any other trainees getting in the way. The hours are 330 pm- to like around midnight. Not too bad, sunday through thursday night. Cant seem to get away from night shift jobs lol.
My friend Anderson from the shop, has a car for the weekend, she was asking anyone if they wanted to go to the sequoia national park on saturday. Surprisingly no one wanted to go, but when i got wind of it, i jumped right on it, and she was super excited. i couldnt wait!!

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