Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Monday 6/3- Juicing Day 9

Alright! Woke up on time this morning. Had some fresh apple juice with strawberrys, and i was off to work!! Excited to get to interact with people, and get some more qualifications done. Suppose to be like 96 today, gonna be like this all week!! ahhh. Whatevs, i found out we could take off our blouses, and just have our t shirts on = one heck of a farmers tan. But its still tan lol. So we sent off a couple jets early in the morning, looks like it was gonna be an easy day. I had one more big project to catch up on paperwork wise, so i walked over to the ID building to get my email address set up. The lady was so nice, and they had free lollipops, so i grabbed a tootsie roll one, it was really, really good. After about an hour and a half of taking care of that, it was time to go to eat. Went to eat, had some salad, and a little bit of fresh roast beef, just a lil bit. After that it was back to work for a little bit. I could really feel myself getting burnt.

Then work was finally winding down for the day, and it went by pretty fast. Exciting. As i got my ride home from my friend from work, i started to ponder about my jeep, and how it would be really nice to have it here. Then for kicks and giggles, i logged on to my account to see how many days of leace i had built up. it was at 5.5. I started thinking about how to get my jeep out here, and wondered if my father would want to drive it out here with me if i came home for a little bit. My mind started going crazy- and heres my perfect view of how it would go down. Go home in like mid august. leave thursday night, get back to londonderry around friday morning. Sleep alls day party by night, maybe pooplex?!?! lol, then party all night saturday as well. Wake up and get on the road heading to cali. I would have 8 days to get to fresno, in which my leave would be up. So we would journey maybe swing by scranton, PA for the office tour. The big places i really wanted to hit up would be there, Texas, the grand canyon, las vegas and the red wood forest in san fran. I want enough time to hang out at these places for at least a little bit, have a nice sit down meal around there. I researched some bungee jumping sites near the grand canyon, they even have some in las vegas. But i would def wanna do that, maybe get father to do it too lol. But brother said it took him 5 days, 4 nights to get to san diego, should give my like 3 days to play with, 2 max. that way we can take our time, and enjoy our sites. So ill ask my father and see if he approves. Then gotta get it approved by the navy too. ughghh such a process!

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