Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday 5/29- Juicing Day 4

Alright. Good news, and bad news. we'll start off with the bad news. Rough day, maybe it wasnt and im just being a "loser" lol. But i woke up like 5 times again last night. I woke up at midnight, and it felt like i was fully rested, but i was pumped i still had a lot more sleep ahead of me. I lay on a already made bed, and just have a blanket as a well- blanket. not very heavy or warm. So i sleep with toms sweatshirt now XD. Anywayyy, woke up at like 530, caught the bus by 6. Got over to my work at 615, needed to be there for 630. Meow this was my first real day of actually being on the job. So we started right off with pre-ops flight check. Just getting everything ready for the day, mostly the jets. Got my cranial (helmet) assigned to me. Its actually pretty cool, attatched is some earphones/muffs, cuz these jets are loud. So basically we just launched jets, and received jets. We added more oil to them if they needed it, bleeded the hydraulic fluid if it needed to be, and we even washed a jet. We were basically a car shop, but for a jet. Whatever was wrong with it, we got it up and running. All my shipmates were teaching me new things every second of the day. little overwhelming, but it was nice to start learning stuff. Then evetually they just handed me something, and expected me to do it. And i did it just fine! thank you. So it was a good learning experience.
So after launching a couple of jets, and taking some back in, we all went to lunch real quick because we had some more jets returning to us. I got a salad with tuna on it, and a little cottage cheese with some water. mmmm so good. Drank one of my juices when i got back, im doing pretty well. Oh yeah, had my other juice for breakfast. tasted 10x better than yesterday. Maybe my stomachs shrinking, but im not at all as hungry as i used to be.
After lunch, we returned some jets, and got them ready to fly out. We had another jet that we were in the middle of washing when the guy who was in charge thought it would be nice for me to get qualified on duct diving. Its when you dive into the air intake duct, and spin the rotors. its like a closed in slide from mcdonalds- like 12 feet long. So i go in there, when i reach the end i realize it was a mistake, because we were washing this jet. They had a hose. So they sprayed me pretty good lol. I just accepted it, cuz it felt good cuz it was so hott out all day, it kind of refreshed me :). Then it was time to go home. mmm. I got home and thought about just taking a nap, but i had to much work to do! Had to juice a little for tomorrow morning, and for the next afternoon too. Did that, then i was really debating between a bath, or the gym. I struggled with this debate quite a while when i decided to go to the gym. Went to the gym, ran a 6:50 mile, personal best mind you. It was a pretty good run, did some sit ups, and then i decided to hit up the sauna. Came out of the sauna and weighed myself. Dont mean to brag but i was down 6 pounds. Boy was i super excited to see that, kinda made everything worth it so far. So i guess ill keep on truckin'. So i just took a shower and meow im back here blogging. Tryna hurry through it cuz i started watching the office, and boy do i love it. Jims about to go on a trip to australia during pams wedding. ahhhh whats gonna happen!?!?!
Some side notes though: If i ever do read this in like 4 and a half years, my mind really wants to get out and explore, without being under a government contract. AKA hike the appalachian trail, cuz bever is making it seem like a lot of fun. Sounds like such and adventure!! But hey, thats way to far away to start considering. Seems fun though. Also- other thoughts- bungee jumping in the near future. need to do it. theres a place down in san diego area. Once i get muh jeep, ill visit briski, and bresnahan. mmm good things to come.

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