Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A little B&G

also known as Barracks and ground. I came back for that friday, which just so happened to be my duty weekend too. such a terrible weekend to come back to after such a wonderful leave. Needless to say we didnt do anything at work friday- we were on a palm period where people could take leave, so classes were suspended until the 6th of january. Thus they just give us busy work to do to pass the time. Im talking more of mopping mops and crap like that. Im so happy i only had to tolerate that for a day. Then duty weekend comes and i only have one watch, which just so happened to let me miss colors on sunday. No one likes raising that huge flag and taking it down. but i got the watch from 4am to 8am then we are secured till the 2100 muster. and going to colors require being in your peanut butters, which are by far the most uncomfortable uniform there is. i hate it. So anyway, i didnt have to do that. But yeah. got back from the airport just fine, unpacked all my stuff. Awaiting on my own room. should be happened soon. i just gotta keep buggin the people, and itll happen. Oh by the way, its pretty hott here compared to friggen nh. its actually really nice. finally shorts weather again :) but that weekend, i just mostly relaxed and got back in the swing of things i guess. Classes start back up on monday.

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