Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Squadron Christmas Party!!

So while my c school is going on, and im doing all this flying and such, my squadron was having a christmas party on the 11th of december. I got my ticket, and there was gonna be like raffles, and promotions, and free food, etc. It was bound to be a good time. I told my C school about it, and they let me leave class early to go to it, which was very nice. I got back to my room and put on my sunday best, as did everyone else. The of agers pregamed a little bit, and we were all just excited to go out and have a good time. We walk over together being fashionably late, which i guess was not the norm. Everyone was sitting down eating at that point, whoops. But we all walked in and gave hugs all around. It was amazing seeing everyone i worked with out of uniform. I was so excited to see these people too because i didnt recognize them at first, and i may have been a little drunk. oh well. Then our chief called for a game of musical chairs, so of course a bunch of us run up there to play. I thought my strategy was a pretty good one of walking slow rather than right behind the person in front of you, but it didnt end up working. someone pulled a chair right out from underneath me. meeep. oh well. i was out of that game and just hung out on the side for a bit. After that, they raffled off some prizes. I didnt win squat, but 3 people did get promoted which was nice to see, because those were the people that deserved to get promoted. good for them. I had a beer with lander after that, and then left to go home and go to sleep. i had a fun night, but it was an early night cuz i was tired. Christmas time has finally come!!

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