Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Landing an airplane/ Stage check

So i looked back on my calendar that i have, and after my frocking, which was right after thanksgiving, im pretty sure i had a long hiatus of not flying for a week or two, and my next lessons were on landing an airplane. Doesnt seem that bad right? Not really. The first lesson back i was very mellow and felt way out of my comfort zone. I felt like i was starting over every time i didnt fly for a while, and i couldnt remember anything. I was really getting down on myself. That lesson was terrible. I did another lesson the next day and felt a little more comfortable going through the motions up to the landing, but my flight instructor wasnt really letting me land just yet. Everything had to be perfect. There is so much going on when youre about to land, and you need to be constantly checking all your instruments and adjusting. It is a huge cluster of emotion at the beginning, but i meow understand what he meant when he said that if you do everything right at all the check points it should just come together like a beautiful chocolate chip cookie mmm. Just a sneak preview- my landings are like landing on a cloud meow. but thats to come. But since i was on nights at C school, i had all day to just hang out and do nothing- what better way to spend my time then crushing out these lessons- especially since this was the hardest part of the flying. So doing this all in a row, i remembered a lot more, fixed my mistakes, and crafted a beautiful landing. I was even hopeful to get my solo in before christmas break, but that didnt end up happening. But still, i was flying like every other day, just kept practicing my landings, and eventually emergency procedures, etc. Everything was going great, and once i was in the air again, my love for flight immediatly comes back, its so nice. I wont lie, i get nervous on the 45 minutes drive in to fresno, but once i take off, my mind kicks in, or something happens, and im just so extremely smooth at the controls, and make precise movements, and i finally feel like i have control of the aircraft and can make it do exactly what i want. such a great feeling. At least when i was with MY flight instructor lol. The Saturday before Christmas break, i had a stage check scheduled with another flight instructor which is very nerve racking to say the least. its a test 2000 feet above the ground. We went over everything- stalls, slow flight, emergency procedures, landings, takeoffs, radio communications, and coming back to our airport. I nailed everything, except the one part i missed was not asking for a clearance in time to get back in to the airspace which consisted of our airport. So i failed my stage check. I was a little upset, but happy at the same time, because i didnt feel fully comfortable in what and when i should be doing stuff, so it kind of brought out my weakness for me to work on. So i had a little bit of studying to do over christmas leave. But boy did i know how to land that aircraft.

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