Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Back track real quick/ Frocking

Little bit over month getting back on this thing, and i really needed to update it. so i'll try to remember everything after i left off. I might remember stuff mid post, so bear with me lol. Its January 7th of the new year! HAPPY NEW YEAR! yayy. So anyway, a lot has happened good, bad - not really bad persay, and a lot of learning experiences. I'll continue where i left off. Indoc came and went, got to miss class for that, which was really nice. Then when was it, thursday? or wednesday. oh! wednesday, my command was holding the frocking for all the new people getting promotions. I headed over to my command around 2pm struttin my stuff in my Peanut butters, and peacoat looking fineee. Thats what you had to wear to get promoted, cuz its just a pin that they put on. We went in to the hangar bay to get in alphabetical order and stand in ranks. We had to pick someone of higher rank to pin us with the crows, so i picked Lander. He has been my mentor through everything, and taught me a lot of things along the way, and is just has a really good head on his shoulders when it comes to his job and life. He's always grabbing me to come help out and teach me new things along the way, and i couldnt have thought of a better person to do it than him. emotional, i know. So anyway. Once the CO stepped out, everyone came and put our pins on, and the CO came around shaking our hands and giving us our certificates. Mine was the only different one though since i was a push button, and i didnt have to pass a test like everyone else. So we were all finally frocked. felt great. clay and i were on cloud 9 by that point and just so extremely happy. it was a great day. Its so nice to finally have some crows on my uniform. gives me a little edge over other people, which is really nice, and even a little more respect, its amazing. In the mean time, i have been paying my friend from the shop Pierce to sew on some of the crows on my uniforms. He did a pretty dang good job, ill tell you that. very pleased with my decision. So the promotion was nice, and im not 100 percent on this, but i believe i am eligible to take the next advancement exam for E5, which would be amazing. Im a pretty good test taker, and wouldnt mind studying my butt off for that to try and score high. I think i showed up to C school a little late, but everyone was happy for me, and i was happy as well.

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