Tuesday, January 7, 2014

En route to South Carolina

So its the night before im suppose to go to the airport. i had everything planned out- i was gonna drive clay and i to the airport, and park my car there, and i was gonna wear some comfortable clothes too. Well late that night clay tells me that we are getting a ride from his 2 new friends that just checked in, and he was wearing his peanut butters on the plane. I was like hmmm interesting. Maybe i wanted to look good for my Mother, when i got off the plane. So i said why not. That morning, i woke up, packed light, and threw on my dress blues. Man i looked good, and i had the crow already sewn on there, so it looked even better. Get dropped off at the airport, security was a breeze. Got starbucks, and just waited around for a couple hours. First to board, which was always nice. Had a window seat that i was happy with. Then i lady asked me if she wanted to switch for extra leg room since she couldnt fit in those seats since the arm rest couldnt move. I gladly switched with her. i popped in my ear buds and prepared myself to knock out in my now extra leg room seat. As i was resting my head on the side of the plane, we were all aboard, and ready to taxi on to the runway. A flight attendant comes over and tells me im being upgraded to first class. Best feeling in the world, i just got a lot happier. I made my way up to first class, got some claps and "yeah petty officer"s. Its what you get when you wear your uniform i guess. I end up passing out in first class, very comfortable. i wake up after about an hour, still got like 2 hours to go. Guy across the aisle starts talking to me. Telling me how he was happy they moved me, and then told me they had free drinks. I immediatly ordered a mimosa, and that ended up turing into five real quick, then he told me to put a shot of smirnoff in it. Im not gonna not do that. Wasnt that bad, but i just needed to live up my reputation of being a drunken sailor. I would say i was succeeding. On my last drink i asked for the flight attendant asked me if i would be alright to get to my connecting flight. Pshhhh of course i will be. Got off the plane, a little stumbly bumbly, but i was doing just fine. Had like an hour and a half till my next flight. Amazingly, Dallas has a USO. Woah wait- the only way i found the USO was cuz i asked if the airport had a dunkin donuts lol. it was on the way to the dunks. and all military can check in there- movies, food, sleeping positions, storage, anything you ever wanted. movie theatre. amazing. so i dropped my bags off and grabbed some dunks. mmmm mocha ice coffee. after that i went back to the USO got a chicken sangwich, chips, a mountain dew, plotted myself down, reclined and watched monsters inc for a hot minute. mmmm great movie. Headed on to my next flight, first on the plane again which was nice, there was no first class here though, a very small plane, so once again i just slept the ride away which was nice. Landed at about 5pm EST, and got picked up by Mother and Father. so happy to see them!!! hugged them, and we got back in the car and drove off to bro's house. bout a half hour drive. lasagna was being cooked for dinner. first home cooked meal in a while!! i was super excited. ANd Christies family was there too, Christie had to work that night unfortunatly. Christmas Eve night by the way. So we had some dinner, some beers, and played some dominos. Always a great time with that family i tell yah. Specially when the drinks are being kicked back, we had a lot of fun. Then drifted to sleep on the airmattress. The next morning we went to church all together, finally got to see Christie. and of course the dogs woke us up, they were always happy to see company. We went to church, then stopped at starbucks on the way home. Once there we started cooking dinner, and we opened some christmas presents!!! yayy!! That was fun, and dinner was delicious, some form of steak, i forget what it was, but it was superrrr delish. Then i ended up taking a nap lol. rough day right?? that night we did a little yankee swap, drank a little bit and played some apples to apples. which was a lot of fun. i was so close to winning too. Had to get some rest though- cuz 7am the next day we were driving back to nh! ahhhh

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