Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Upcoming Events Jan-Feb 14

So, some things to look forward to in the upcoming weeks that go by. C school ends January 17th. So my little vacation will end. Back to my squadron it is! and i will be on night check, with a lot of cool people, so im excited. should be a good time, plus ill be pretty high up. So until then i will probably be doing flying lessons up the wazoooo. oh yeah! I just booked a hotel for san fran this weekend the 11th saturday into the 12th.... cuz we are going on a tour of alcatraz!!! ahhh im so excited!! The hotel looks over the bay area, its got like a pool and everything. I think we were going to try and do a hike early on saturday too, then relax at the hotel that night, and we got an early bird special tour through alcatraz. very cool. Thats gonna be with Anderson, Arce, and maybe Stiers, but she doesnt know yet. It will be a good time though. After that, more flights, and learning and studying. Then January 31st- off to fallon (if im on the list of people going) which i hope i am, cuz i have never been there before, and i would like to go. This should be a fun little event until february 21st. then come back to lemoore for a month, then off to the boat for 3 weeks, then back here for a little, then to the boat again for a couple months to cruise around the pacific ocean, go to hawaii, then rumors are we are switching aircraft carriers in japan? i have no idea, but japan would be a great place to see as well. So a lot is going on. Still need to bug one of my higher ups for my own room, but i have a feeling it will come soon. Just like my private pilot license. that will come in due time. but a lot of adventures on the horizon, and i got alls the time in the world, so i guess ill see where the tide takes meh. But all good things to come.

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