Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Flying Solo

So ive been trying to solo in an airplane for like a week straight meow, but the weather hasnt been up to par. meaning the visibility is not far enough for me to fly by myself. So we schedule my next solo for a little later in the day for the weather to clear up -10am. I get there, check the visibility, and everything is perfect. cept for the fact that i havent flown in like a week, and i was a lil nervous. Everyone was in a good mood though. SO we take off in the airplane. and head over to another airport, this is an airport that i have not yet been to yet, so it was different. we did everything the same, i didnt feel very confident at first, and i just felt like a blob sitting there, but eventually, by the 3rd landing with my instructor, he was ready to get out. which really got my adrenaline going. i dropped him off and taxiied back to the runway. full throttle and i was off. My smile was from ear to ear, and it was just so peaceful not having someone yelling in my ear. i was free and flying. i did everything correct, and landed beautifully 3 times. the last time i landed was soooo amazing, like landing on a cloud again. i was so proud of myself, i think my instructor was too, he just didnt want to say anything. By this time i was drenched in sweat and ready to head back. We went back, i got a picture, a certificate, and some little wings. boy it was fun.

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