Tuesday, January 21, 2014

San Fran Weekend

So the weekend came up, got ready saturday morning, headed out that afternoon to san fran. Drove andersons car up there, started getting a little cloudy and rainy. boy was it nice to see the rain. San fran is actually a sister city to boston i guess? so it was equally as challenging to drive in as well. Little rough, but we made it. Stretched our legs out in the main city area, grabbed a cup of coffee, then went to look for our hotel. ended up being right on the water front, just as i suspected. So beautiful, literally in the middle of everything. they let us check in early, and parking was only like 40 bucks extra, where it woulda been so much more expensive if we were out on the street. We put our things down, and explored the city. It was a beautiful afternoon, everything cleared up, and the sun was shining. we walked down the boardwalk looking at all the street performers, and expensive touristy stuff. then we went out on a pier to get a better view of the golden gate bridge. beautiful. The sun was setting, and it was time to get some dinner. We saw a pretty cool place on the way there, so we stopped by, got a nice cold beer, and some bread bowls. man they were soooo good. hit the spot perfectly. after that, we did some shopping, then went back to the hotel to go swimming before it got to late. the pool was like 80 degrees, so it was nice. got out, and went to bed. Sunday morning came a lot earlier than expected, and we got up and checked out of the hotel room, since we were gonna be gone for a while. We start our walk to the pier where our boat is located, took like 15 minutes, and got in line. Got on a nice little boat to head over to Alcatraz. We got off, and the place was pretty small, and very beat down. we walked around, up and down, and alls over. the coolest part was the actual jail cells. we got to see the holes the prisoners made in the walls to escape. they went through an awful lot to get out of there! i would go crazy, and probably try the same thing. but these guys were isolated from the main land, this was torture. but it did feel pretty cool to walk the halls of this once prison. after a couple hours on the island, we were a little wiped out, so we grabbed some pizza and headed back to lemoore. bout a 3 hour drive, got home and passed out. best sleep ever.

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