Tuesday, January 7, 2014

En route to New Hampshire

Unfortunatly, there was no first class oppertunities on the ride up to NH lol. We left at 7 am, made our usual stops at dunks, got on the highway. Said our goodbyes to the family. Always so nice to see bro and christie :) probably see them soon again anyway. So we started our trip. Paps drove, then Mom, then me. It kinda went like that for 17 hours straight. we didnt get back until 129 am. but i mean it was nice to be home in cloud. mmmm cloud. it was great to be back home and sleep in my own bed. Slept in a little bit that friday. Went to the mallski with durso and marcus. Picked up a skibag for my skis so they could go on the plane. Marcus and Durso did some shopping! as well. a few returns, exchanges here and there. Typical after christmas shopping lol. We went back home, got some proscuittos with marc, met andy there, and saw the whole mcnamera family there! so nice to see friendly faces all around town again. Got a buff chix calzone. mmmm so good. After that we split ways, and i ended up packing up some stuff and heading up to portsmouth. There, i went to dinner with caleb. got a delish cheesburger, and we started drinking. Eventually Jared showed up out of the blue. Very excited to see him. his drink of choice was wine lol.So we drank the night away and went out to a couple bars, i had a lot of fun. Next day i stayed up there and just hung out watching hungover movies all day, which was perfect. Sad to see jared go, but colorado was calling his name :/ So a lazy saturday passed and it was time to start drinking again! By the way i ended up seeing all my friends from college out in portsmouth which was awesome, we had a great time. Saturday night we went out again drank some beer, probably some shots LOL! and just enjoyed each others company. wow. Sunday morning i woke up and drove home to meet my cousins for dinner at our place. Had some delish meatloaf. oh my it was really good. bacon, applesauce, ketchup. everything you ever wanted. my mouth is watering meow actually. So we hung out with family for a while, shared some laughs and giggles, and caught up. That night was just a relaxing night. Thomas just got in from cali, so i think i went to say hello to him and his family for like an hour. i was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. Went back home and passed out. Next morning i inquired about a military discount at the local workout club. Just so happens that the guy who picked up was prior navy, and said he would take care of me, which was very nice of him. So i got like 2 free days at the gym. Worked my butt off, maybe i was secretly starting a new years resolution. After that i probs went home and nap, i feel like. I made some delish eggs, i do know that. But tom and i wanted to see anchorman 2, so we went to a matinee. lame i know, but it was cheap!!It was an alright movie, i feel like i was forcing laughter most of the time, cuz it was very hyped up to begin with. but who knows, nothings ever as good as the first. Then we split ways, and ended up playing risk over at toms with jazz, dan em, pat, and tom. I ended taking them out one by one. it was like boston rob in survivor. the luck of the die was with me. i enjoyed the game, but felt bad killing off so many people, not really though. Then i went home and slept in my own bed once again. mmm Up next was new years. A masquerade party up at portsmouth. One heck of a time. All the music i loved and enjoyed on a regular day to day basis. I wasnt too too drunk, but i was feeling pretty good, and danced my butt off. i was sweating so much, and i was such a good dancer. i just wanna thank bowen for my skills to this day. thank you. I had a realy good time though. Made it till midnight!! so did marc!!! So we all had a lot of fun, and break was already coming to an end. New years day was a day of rest period before my flight the next morning. I did what any normal person would of done- got jay house. Chinese food. mmmm. I had a very relazing day, and packed up all my stuff. grabbed a suitcase from my parents so i could pack a lot of stuff, and slowely move my belongings out here. wahhhh. decided to go against the uniform on the way back. I didnt want attention lol and i wanted to be comfortable, gosh. Both of my flights got delayed like 40 minutes due to the cold, ended up making it our before the storm hit.

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