Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Off roading

So a couple of buddies of mine invited me to go four wheeling with our jeeps on sunday. we had sunday night off for the holiday, so i gladly said yes. it was 2 hours away in hollister hills. we drove there, only 5 bucks to get in. lots and lots of trails. labeled like skiing trails- blue green and black diamond. we deflated our tires quite a bit to get some better traction. started off with some green trails that led us to a beautiful overlook, then went a little harder. eventually went down a black diamond which was very steep and bumpy- bottomed out a couple times, other than that it was exhilerating. Next up was a little play area for off roaders. aka a mud pit. this was a lot of fun. we just blasted right through the mud and it sprayed alls over the jeep, did that a couple times. my buddies jeep ended up stalling out after he went through, and it wouldnt turn over. but the battery was still working. my Father taught me how to pop the clutch when i was younger with my truck, so i thought we would do that- cuz he never did that before. they gave me a push, popped it, started right up, had to turn it a little, and lost it.then he wanted to try it, and went down a bigger hill, and ended up getting it to stay. So by this time, we were ready to head out. we came to a fork in the road and stopped to look at directions. just so happened that a grandfather and his son were blazing the trails with a pretty intense 4 wheeler. they needed help pushing it in their trailer cuz they broke something. so we helped them out- took a little bit, and they offered us a beer. a nice ice cold dos equis. that beer was soooo delicious, and we just talked about life. Turns out hes pretty high up for the company esurance. you could def tell. after we parted ways we took to the streets, filled up our tires and got something to eat. then headed on home. long exhausting day- but fun.

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