Wednesday, May 22, 2013

12 Days of Leave- L-town whaaaaaaaat

Home sweet home!!! I get off my flight after a nice long nap of course, and whose there to pick me up?!?! Christopher John Bowen!!! aww yayy!!
Oh man, i couldnt have been more happier. He decided to park really far away, so we had a long treck ahead of us, but boy was it good to be home. We were headed up to UNH for the night, to birdpoo for the night. I change out of my whites and we zoom on up. I walked into a great gathering of all the people i would want to see in one night- minus dave garside of course. It was a huge pig pile, and i think jared even kissed me!! mmm. So we immediatly started smashing shots, and getting hammered, but i was really itching for a car bomb. We ended up going to libbys for a solid- what seemed to be 2 hours, but i think it was only like a half hour? I ordered 8 irish car bombs for everyone (obvs cuz im rich). Then we grabbed some beer and went to the dance floor. That was probably the most fun i had dancing, ever. We were just shaking our beer bottles and spraying it alls over the place. Oh what a night. Then i went in to mama macs with marc, made some mac and cheese, then ate it with our bare hands. I later passed out in andys bed :).
Went home the next day and hung out at toms for some grillin like men do, with extra cheese this time, gross. And thomas cracked my back, it had been a long time :/. 
That week we had a couple get togethers, and i just wanted to swing by peoples places to say hello. I also had what they call RAP duty which is recruiter assistant program, i go in every morning and help them out by like shredding paper, or what not. Even went on a couple school visits which was nice. Saw a lot of old teachers there too! wow.
Wednesday was survivor night at marcs. mmm. Mrs. Robitaille made her deliscious chocolate chip infused brownies, and of course buff chic dip. Holy smokes it was really really good.
Friday came around and i got out of work early so i decided to work on the fire pit out back because i was having a little cook out saturday, and i wanted everything to be nice. I cleaned that up and got a ton of american supplies for the party- and also 2 kegs. mmm.
Saturday came and what a great group of people to show up! dave garside was there! thats alls that really mattered, but anyway, the rain held off, and people ended up getting really really drunk. By the time it reached like 2 am, i was ready to hit the hay, but the party still continued. But before this, some chick came over from some other party slurring her words and alls, and i had to kick her out:/ did not want to be responsible for her.
That pretty much somes up how happy i was. Orzo salad. nothing gets better than that. Shout out to Mary Mack on that one!
The next day was wonderful Mothers day, which i had a fantastic one, as so did my mother. We literally hung around at home and did nothing alls day. She wanted Jay House for dinner, which i was in total agreeance with. mmm. Then we watched the bruins over toms house for a final goodbye to him.
Right when i got home i turned on survivor. I would say i enjoyed this season very much. Happy that Cochran won it alls.
This next week was the last week i was home for. Very lazy- cuz everyone was at work so i just HAD to lay on cloud alls day and watch price is right. maybe get some dunks, a calzone. whatever i wanted. ended up gaining 7 pounds on my whole trip home by the way ;) hawttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.
On Wednesday, i promised marcs little kids that i would go in and see them, and talk to them about the navy. They sent me a crap ton of pictures at bootcamp, and i enjoyed them very much, so i had to say thank you. I bought them a lil model jet and let the class keep it. Boy were they full of energy! i coulda been there alls day just answering their questions. Luckily Mr. R. stopped them and they had to go to PE :)
Yeah i know it was from snapchat. boohoo. Love the kids. That thursday night, we did wing night at the 99, which was probably the best decision of my life. Got 20 hot buffalo, with blue chee of course. And a crap ton of beer. It was awesome, made a couple of friends, and did terrible on trivia, and bingo. So it was an overall great night to go out. Sad night, but a good night.
Went to bed in cloud for the last time that night, and set my alarm for a shocking 430am. It was on to CALIIIIIIII!!!!!!

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