Sunday, May 19, 2013

Boot Camp- Last week!!

As the last week approached, things were just getting out of hand. We had a final fitness test that we had to pass, a final exam we had to pass, and battlestations we had to pass. It was getting pretty fun, but everyone was ready to get the heck out of there. We had such a crammed schedule that our last week we literally had no free time, like other divisions did. The fitness test, mostly everyone passed. I think there were like 10 kids that either didnt pass swim, or missed the mile and a half by like 7 seconds. Such a shame to see them miss it by 7 friggen seconds. Then we had an exam we had to take which people either studied for, or they didnt. 3 kids ended up failing that test, and they had to wait like another 3 weeks to graduate and take the test over again. The same day we passe the test, that night we went right into battle stations. That was a wednesday- battlestations started that night, and lasted till the morning hours, so we got no sleep. It was a pretty fun experience though, nothing i can talk about unfortunately :/. But by that morning we were all absolutely exhausted. We got breakfast, then we had to go straight into graduation practice- 3 hours of doing the same thing over and over again. We stood in formation for those 3 hours. From standing at attention, to standing at parade rest. This is when people started falling asleep. Its amazing, you close your eyes for like 2 seconds and you end up falling asleep for a pretty long time. The only way you wake up is if you catch yourself in time from hitting the floor. I fell forward like 3 times i think it was. Everyone was falling asleep, and was late on all the moves we had to make. It was pretty funny.

 After that hell, we got a pizza party, which was basially all you can eat, it was sooooo good. Then from there we went to make our final phone calls to tell our parents we made it. At about 7pm that night we were on our way back from the phone calls, and it was snowing heavily, perfect snowball making snow. The marching formation went from shortest to tallest so i was always in the back. Our Chief just wanted to get back so he was in the way front, far ahead of the first person in formation. It was dark out so us in the back just started making snowballs and throwing them at people up front, and they couldnt really do anything about it. Everyone was slipping and sliding around everywhere too, it was a bunch of fun. We got back to our compartment, and went to bed at 8pm for another great night sleep.

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