Sunday, May 19, 2013

Departure to 'A School' (Pensacola, FL)

Saturday morning a bunch of the guys have already emptied out the compartment. It was me and like 15 other guys turn to leave. We got up at the crack of dawn and brought our sea bags down to the bus. We arrive at the airport about 45 minutes later, waiting in line for further instructions cuz theres a ton of other airmen there. We got to the airport at about 7 am, and our flight wasnt till 5pm, so our group had a lotttt of waiting around to do. A couple minutes later, to my surprise my parents showed up!!! What a great day! They took a picture of a bunch of us together, and we hung out and just talked.
From here we went through security, which is a breezeeeeee might i add. They treat uniformed military personnel extremely well at airports. They let us go through the quick security check, and my parents were even allowed to come through too. They ship all our luggage for free, and we just had one carry on the whole time. Once through security we grabbed some food and just hung out with each other. It was just nice to be in their presence. We went to the other side of the airport and we all took a nap in some comfortable chairs for a long time. Round about 3 they decided to head out, and I met up with my shipmates to board the plane. We all boarded the plane and sang anchors away on lift off, everyone seemed to love that.
Had a layover in Atlanta which is a huge airport- about 10pm right meow. We get settled near our next gate and have about an hour to kill time. Get on our flight and head to Pensacola Florida.
We arrive at Pensacola and are immediately greeted by "happy times" bus company, a great start, and even more beautiful weather. We went from freezing temps to like low 70s, truly amazing.
We check in at like midnight, and head over to our new dorms around 1ish. We have a briefing from our Yeoman (secretaries of the navy), and that went on for like 2 hours. We just filled out some paperwork and asked him a bunch of questions. It seemed unreal what information we were receiving.

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