Sunday, May 19, 2013

Boot Camp- Week 4

Week 4!! my favorite week of bootcamp! This was weapons training week. Considering the only time i ever fired a gun it was paintball, or a revolver with my dad, i was really exited. We had to go through like a 5 hour class on how to train with the weapon (fake ones) and get a lecture on it. You were advised not to fall asleep during this because you wouldnt be able to shoot the guns. My buddy bresnahan was thought to be falling asleep, but i know for a fact he wasnt, and he got kicked out, which sucked, chiefs were really upset with him over that.
So after all the classroom teaching we finally got to do some shooting simulation, we had what felt like the real guns, attached to like air pumps to reenact the kickback. It also felt like we were shooting lasers at a dart board, a lil lame but i felt i did pretty well. The shotgun wasnt as powerful as i thought either. Oh we shot a 9mm hand gun, and a shotgun. We had to practice shooting with our strong hand, and switch mid shot to our weak hand. We also shot from one knee, and just regular standing up.
The next day we went to a new building which included thick walls and lots of danger signs. They gave us ear plugs and ear muffs. We put a harness on that held the gun on our leg, which was pretty cool. Felt bad ass wearing it. There were some kids that still wanted practice, so they went and practiced. I just wanted to fire so i was one of the first people to shoot the 9mm. We got in the firing range, and had our guns, and 2 full magazines full of ammunition. We loaded the magazine, and stood in the ready position. The lights turned on, and we had 4 seconds to shoot like 4 rounds, then the lights would shut off. We shot at 3 yards, 5 yards, and 8 yards i believe. Its a lot farther away than it seems. 
The next couple of rounds we had to switch hands, this was the hard part. We had like 8 seconds to shoot 4 from our right hand, switch and 4 from our left hand. The only danger here was getting a Parana bite because you didnt move your hand all the way over to the other side. Within 2 seconds you hear some of the trainers yell "parana bite!!!" and some kid a couple slots down from me got a bite. Its when the slide assembly ejects the casing, and it bites between the thumb and pointer finger. They made it seem like it was worst than it was. After that we got to fire the shotgun. Cept we got 6 shots total. 3 from the hip, and 3 from the shoulder. The trainers held on to the gun while we held on to it, and we just pulled the trigger and loaded the shotgun. It was nothing special, kickback was a little intense, but they didnt let us get the full effect. new navy lol.
Needless to say, i ended up getting sharpshooter, which was pretty good, but not an expert.

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