Sunday, May 19, 2013

A School- Culture Shock

Stranger in a Strange world, seems to be a reoccurring theme here. I feel like its some disease, cuz i hate it but love it all at the same time.
I finally get my room assignment at 330am. I go to my room smelling terrible with all my stuff, and we wake up my roommate, probably not a very good first impression, but i was ready to pass out. I dropped all my stuff, apologized for smelling so bad and hit the hay- till 7am. We had orientation and a tour of the base then.
We put on our NSU's, and met down stairs for a tour of the base. We formed up and marched around the base. So much freedom already. Just having our own room- even sharing it with one other person was awesome. A bigger bed, my own closet, a shared bathroom between 5 people instead of 80. We walked around, saw the chow hall, the navy exchange (all you could ever need/want shop), school house, gym, and beach. This was amazing, cuz the weather was hott too. First thing i did was grab my buddy and went to the beach just to walk on it, and not have any worries. Then went back and took a nap. Another top 10 moment of greatest naps i have ever taken, which means a lot.

I talked to my roommate, played like 21 questions with him, but it was more like 100 questions, felt bad, but he was extremely helpful.... thanks bri :) He basically tells me everything here is chill, and a lot more freedom than bootcamp. Im already shocked beyond belief in that i can just lay in my bed (it was a sunday), and roll around all day if i wanted to.
This upcoming week would be indoc week, where we learn the basics of living here at pensacola. Thats what i thought, but it basically told us dont drink alcohol underage, and dont sexually harass people. So we went to that everyday, had a lunch break and then finished the classes up in the afternoon. It still wasnt a bad gig at all. We were also assigned duty sections- its an extra work day throughout the week that the navy has so people get put on watch, and clean up around the base/ their ship. We had 4 duty sections, and they would alternate everyday. My name was never put on the list for any duty section, but i still went to every single meeting for duty section 1. I told them to write my name down, but for like 3 months, my name was never on the roster sheet. I had no problem with it. And we also had to work 1 weekend a month while we were there, just so happen that the first weekend was my weekend, so i had to stay in and couldnt really do much, which was just fine by me. :)

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