Sunday, May 19, 2013

Boot Camp- Graduation

Friday comes, and its time to graduate! Finally were all thinking. We had two graduation ceremonies, one for the commanding officer, and one for our parents. The first one flew by, and we were all just excited to see our parents. It was a beautiful day, and we marched over to a huge building. We marched in formation, everything was going perfectly. We get inside the building, and nothing but tons and tons of people/ family members. We get to our section, and get situated- the kid next to me dropped his glove on the ground so i had to like shove it in my pants because everything had already been collected. We turn around and we immediatly start looking for our parents, even though we werent suppose to. There was a set of events that we went through, that everyone knew by heart at this point, so we were just running through the motions. Top row middle of the section i spotted my parents and brother. I dont think ive had a bigger smile than that. It was the best feeling in the entire world. They were doing a bunch of stuff to get my attention, and i couldnt get the smile off my face.
After about 30 minutes it seemed. Liberty call, liberty call. We were free to hang out with our parents. They came rushing down, a lil teary eyed, and we all just hugged. I told them i had to go back and get some stuff before i left for the day, so me and my buddy ran back, picked up our stuff and were off to see our parents. We took a taxi off base to a hotel, and my parents rented a car. Immediatly went out to lunch, which was wonderful, and stopped at dunks a little after that. Ended up going back to the hotel were we all just hung out and i took a bath, and then a nap. Everyone else took a nap too, so it was a great way to spend the afternoon.
When we woke, it was just about time to head back to base, they would see me the next day at the airport to give me my cell phone. Everyone came back with lots of treats, and smiles on their faces. It was a great day. Had to be at the airport at like 7am the next day, so we all packed our sea bags and slept for the last time in our compartment.

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