Sunday, May 19, 2013

A School- Phase 1/ Barracks Support

Oh phase 1, otherwise known as phase fun. No civilian attire, had to be in by 10pm every night, including weekends, had to take attendance at like 915pm every night too. That was the first 2 weeks. Phase 2 was the following 3 weeks, and phase 3 was the final phase which you stayed in. Phase 2 was civilian clothes allowed, and had to be back in by 1159pm on weekends, also you could drink alcohol, and drive a car. Phase 3 was all the above, except stay out over night on weekends.
So as the indoctrination week passed, the next stage of being at pensacola was barracks support. Ohhhh barracks support. Cleaning inside your building from 6am until 2 or 3 pm, with an hour for lunch, and 2 hours on MWF for physical training and showering.
We would meet like 6 times a day to take attendance, make sure everyone was there. To resemble life on a ship. Pshhh yeah right, so many lies. It was so annoying, cuz you clean the same stuff over and over again. We went up and down the hallways like 50 times with a push broom. I think i measured it out to be a half hour for push brooming the whole floor. You would constantly look at the clock, waiting for the next muster (attendance), cuz that would usually take a half hour or longer, which was awesome, cuz you didnt have to do anything. There were cameras everywhere so you couldnt slack off because "someones always watching you."

 So this job was already getting old, and I was looking for a way out, people always talked about having a night shift watch, which means you stood watch for like 6 hours at night time, and then you were secured all day. Sounded like heaven to me. One day my roommate and I were on watch together, and the night shift coordinator came into the building, so we stopped him. Just so  happened that like 4 night shift positions were open, we wouldnt let him go. Gave him our numbers and hoped he would contact us later that day.
Couple days pass and he gives us a call, I'm in the room and he comes up looking for us both. He offers outside roving watch 11pm- 5am, which i snatched immediatly, cuz i could be outside the whole time. I called my roommate and he got internal fire rover 11pm to like 4am, lucky. Just so happened that we needed to start that night, so we both already did barracks support that day, but we had to do the night shift that night if we wanted it. What a terrible night.

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