Sunday, May 19, 2013

Boot Camp- Week 1

Processing days were week 0. So after those horrid days we were FFD. or fit for full duty. Ive never seen our chiefs (3 people in charge of us) more happy. They got to physically train us, and IT us whenever they wanted. Except 30 minutes after we eat. new navy. They made us do a couple pushups every now and then, but it really wasnt bad at all, unless you couldnt do pushups. They told this one kid to do push ups, and he couldnt do like more than 10, so one of our chiefs asked him if he held out a donut in front of him would it motivate him to do pushups. The chief then went on to say that he hopes the kid never reproduces later on in life because they dont want more "weak" people in the world. That kid ended up dropping out later in the weeks to come.
Moving on to the swim qualifications. We marched over to the pool, and we all changed into our PT shorts. We then all got in line to walk up a ladder to jump 10 feet into a pool. Not that hard right? Then we had to swim around the perimeter of the pool. I actually enjoyed this part, except when you get out of the pool you are freezing your butt off. It was actually quite fun to watch people jumping in, cuz they just lost it when they surfaced, and were flailing around for their lives. lol. So a lot of people ended up failing the first time (you get like 26 times to retake the swim tests before graduating). Then we had to tread water for 5 minutes, pshhh. me and thomas treaded water at his home for like 30 minutes before, it just gets boring after a while. but it will "save your life." Next was the dead mans float for 5 minutes, same thing except your head head to be in the water, and you kinda just laid there, looking dead. Last but not least was the Coveralls float. You had to put coveralls on and put air in them, and then close it off to use it as a life jacket. simple enough. And thats how you got your third class swim qualification.
Next up was the PRT. like physical requirement training or something? Everyone had to do 60 pushups, 60 situps, and run the mile and a half in less than 13:30. Many people lied about their pushups and situps, but the mile and a half, they attatch a tracking device around you to make sure you did your mile and a half. I finished mine in like 11? A lot of people failed, but it was so much fun because it was one of our first times exercising in like 3 weeks, so it felt good.
This whole week we had to practice making our beds, and stripping our beds most of the day, cuz we had an inspection coming up (come to find out it didnt even matter). But we had to make our bed, and our bunks mates rack in accordance with RDC instruction in less than 12 minutes. My bunk mate and i had our rack perfect in 7 minutes, we were good, we were reeeeeeal good.
Everything had to be tucked in, blankets folded correctly, 45 angles on every corner, pillow squared away, sheet folded over like 8 inches away from the top, and towel hanging perfectly touching your numbers. Walk in the park.

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