Thursday, May 23, 2013

VFA-2 Squadron- Indoc

Another round of indoc to go. This should be fun. I was told to be at the hangar at 0700. This was monday morning. I was like alright, i can do this, ive woken up at worst times. Finally beginning to adjust to the new time, i know its only been like 3 days, but it was a lot better. Had to learn the bus schedule, cuz i dont have my vehicle down here, and there is a bus stop 2 seconds away from my barracks lol. So i got on the 625 bus i think it was? Which got me to my hangar at 645 which was fine by me. Better to be early on your first day, than late.
I get there and am told that no one is going to be in the Administration office until 0800. I was like shoot!! But then they told me to go hand in the shop with a bunch of my coworkers. So I was started to meet some people. They were a pretty cool group of people, talking about sea stories, and all the times at bootcamp, since i was just coming from there. We talked for like an hour and a half before i was sent upstairs. Thus i was already late for indoc, which i didnt mind, cuz people knew were i was, thats all that mattered. I went into the room and it was death by powerpoint for the next like 6 hours of my life.
Seems like thats alls the navy uses these days. Powerpoint everywhere you go. Seriously the hardest job i had this week was staying awak during class. You find yourself unconcious at times, and you just have to stand up to keep yourself awake. That or drink monster energy. I love that drink, maybe im addicted to caffeine, though. Anyway the navy spends a crap ton of money on drinking programs, and drug programs to help people out. Its amazing how many programs we go through learning about these programs. We have something every month- heck every end of the week, telling us to be responsible drinking. Yet people still go out and get DUI's and alcohol related incidents. This ruins it for everyone else because meow we have to go through these programs, which just repeat themselves for like 8 hours a day. Whatever, a kid in my class kept nodding off and got asked to stand up, at least i didnt get asked, i just did it on my own. But that must suck. Youre up there teaching through powerpoints, and everyone in the audience is falling asleep? theres something wrong with that. Oh well, i made it through 3 more days of that. brought an energy drink erryday, and looked forward to having it everyday <3
Lol. Next on my list of things to do was get a bunch of signatures from people who tell me different things about the squadron. VFA-2 by the way just means these jets are fighter/attacker jets. So i was meeting alot of people of higher levels. Met all the kids that i would be working with for my first job, which would be line shaq- just maintaining and upkeeping the aircraft. Got a lot of my signatures done today actually. Debated on getting my duty section signature done today, in fear of having to work this weekend- which ended up true. he assigned me to duty section 3 which has work this weekend. Work meaning we have to muster in the lounge at 0800 friday, saturday and sunday. thats it, unless you have watch. and i dont have watch this weekend. Easy weekend. I cant go further than 30 minutes off base, but i mean, i still got a lot of freedom. Probs go to the gym a lot- maybs some double sessions?!!? i dno. Signed up for a triathlon for next weekend for some reason lol. swim 400m, ride a bike 6 miles, and run 1.5 miles. Its all indoors, too. And im really working on getting in shape, so i signed up for saturday at 10am. there was like a list of 5 girls on it before me, i was the only guy so far- pshh so what. trying to meet people, remember :).
Anyway, i also had to go to medical. there they did a vision and hearing test- which is unbelievably hard. i passed though, somehow. they also did the color/number test- immediatly thought of you marc!! Then they had to give me a hepatitus A shot, i hate shots. But it wasnt that bad.
Everything isnt as bad as it seems at all here. Ive been noticing that alot. I called my parents up and told them i got assigned this weekend as duty weekend, they were bummed out for me, but then i told them i only had to meet once at 8am everyday, they seemed very relieved. I guess i should too. Life aint so bad, it never is. Just gotta have some bad days to enjoy the good days, i guess. and the good days are coming, coming quick. "The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded hell."
So our squadron has friday off, budget cuts i guess. 4 day weekend. Hooyah.

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