Sunday, May 19, 2013

Boot Camp- Processing Days

Probably the worst part of boot camp, but they still cant make you do anything! P-days are only suppose to last for a week, but mine was elongated because of Christmas, and new years. So we just sat around and did nothing for so long. We got dental and medical check ups, also some shots. Dental- they were all mean, except for the chick that i got :) she was really happy with my teeth so she was nice to me, and i was in and out. But still so many people are just mean to you everywhere you go. Even civilians working there were really mean to us. Oh well. When we went to medical for like the 5th time we had to get a set of shots, 4 of which were just given to us in mass production like cattle. YOU ARE NOT CATTLE. but the fifth shot was called the peanut butter shot, in your left ass cheek. Felt like peanut butter was dripping into your ass cheek. Just dont flinch and flex like every guy that i was there with did, and youll be fine. Never seen so many guys whine like little girls before. new navy.
^^ inspirational speech
Anyways, P-days was more or less annoying. We had to stencil our names onto all of our clothing, then that had to get inspected to see if we did it right, every single time. everything was becoming repetitive, and we couldnt even do pushups by ourselves or anything.
The food was simply amazing, it was actually really really good. a lot to choose from, and a great variety everyday. people were gaining weight because of this food. ranged from meatloaf to spicy chicken sandwich to pulled pork. and there were even lunch ladies that came around and passed out brownies and cookies to us. it was rediculous.
We also had to study our tails off for our first test during these days. we had a book, and a bunch of highlighting we had to do. Had to polish our boots a lot too.
We showered once a day, usually in packs of 20, in and out of the shower in a matter of like 7 minutes. I usually dont shower very long so it didnt matter to me really.
As the end of p-days approached, we were all very excited to start working out, and actually moving forward in our training. Everyday we were practicing our marching, which was horrible, and still is horrible to this day. People cannot walk in step together, its rediculous, but eventually you learn that your division will never be able to march in step.
^^^ we dont have these uniforms yet by the way. We are marching around in our smurfs (sweatsuits).

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