Monday, May 20, 2013

A School- Strand/ Graduation

Our last week was focused on what types of aircraft (Helo, Prop, Jet) we would be working on. I was working on jets, so i got a 2 day class on info particularly pertaining to jets. wow that was tough to write. We cruised through that, no more study musters, we were on top of the world. One last test for everyone that didnt count, i got another 97 for record ;). But during this time our whole school house was going to $h!t. People were showing up late, junior classes were failing, people were leaving trash everywhere, we werent loud enough when we marched. everything was hitting the fan during our last week. All up until the day before graduation they did a random inspection. They checked everyones pockets for cell phones. Whaddya know? my class had 3 cell phones, the only 3 in the entire school house mind you. So they got in a lil bit of trouble for that but nothing major. We also found out when our flights were gonna be outta here. Mine was on May 2nd hours after graduation. I was pumped.
Graduation day came, and we spent like 2 hours doing practice grad. Finally it came time for the real thing, and it took like 30 minutes, and we got the heck outta there. Not without one last picture with the honor graduate!!
I ran back to my room packed up the rest of my stuff and threw out a lot of stuff, and then checked out. My buddy Graham offered to drive me to the airport, so it was very conveniant. Except for the fact that his truck was lifted, and i leaned up against it, and got huge tire marks on my dress whites. Guess thats why they give you two pairs! lol

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