Monday, May 20, 2013

A School- Core 1/ Parents Weekend

So it came to our time in the learning experience where these tests actually mattered. The average of these two tests would put us in the running of getting an accelerated advancement, so i was ready to study my butt off. The only problem is our test was on a monday, and my parents were coming this weekend. They got the sweetest hotel on the beach, and im not gonna not get away from my barracks for a whole weekend. So, friday came, and i wasnt about to have a study muster, cuz i felt as if i didnt have to hold my classmates hands through this, if they wanted it bad enough they would study on their own. We got out at about noon time, and i wasnt having ANY study musters this weekend, cuz i wanted my own down time. My parents landed and were ready to come on base around 2ish. They didnt call liberty yet, so i had to go out in a uniform to greet them, and i couldnt even sign out of the barracks yet. So i showed them the base in my sweats. Boy was it nice to see them, another breath of fresh air. Granted i was gonna see them in like 2 weeks, i havent seen them in like 2 months. So i showed them around the base, and lucky for me, liberty was called during that time, meaning i could sign out with my dad and leave base. I brought them both on the quarterdeck- which is a very sacred place to the navy. She stopped every kid that she saw and gave them a hug saying "this is from your mother." I immediatly ran upstairs and grabbed my stuff as quickly as possible. I came down to find them in the lounge (thank GOD), and we left for the hotel.
The weather was crappy the first night, but the rest of the weekend was beautiful. We went and got some wings friday night, probably the best wings i had. This was on pensacola beach by the way. The hotel had a hot tub, and two pools, and you could drink on the beach. It was awesome. Saturday i brought some flashcards down to the pool, thought i would try and study. Boy did i look like a loser! Two pretty good looking chicks joined me, so i immediatly cover the flashcards up with my towel. They were talking about some marines they were meeting down there, but they were on restriction, so they could only wear the unifrom everywhere, they couldnt even go in the hot tub- losers. So i naturally sparked up a convo with them. I went and got some beer, and they got some liquor as well, and we had a good time.
Then my parents came down, and i got out and hung out with them, at which point my mother kept ordering margaritas, and ended up getting pretty shwasty off fancy dranks. It was their vacation, why not? Then we order pulled pork nachos, omg, so good. and we just kept drankin. Mother wanted to play catch, cuz apparently she got better when she was drunk, so i played catch in the pool with my mom, some nice bonding.
She kept throwing the ball way to far, and hit two guys that were together like 3 times in a row, they were getting a little fed up so we stopped. She then went on to somehow get like 2nd row in a wedding that was happening on the porch area. I have no idea how she stumbled upon that, but she got a pretty good seat. I went and took a good nap, and my parents went on a ferris wheel. When i woke up, i had some ice cream, and asked for a little help studying. So we all studied together, so it was nice. We woke up the next morning, visited my dad's sister which was like 5 minutes from base. Finally met them for the first time in my life by the way- great group of people, so nice. They sent me off with some delish choco chip cookies, and i returned to my base. We held a study muster that night for a little, and that was about it.
Took the test on Monday, and got a whopping 100. Anyone who got 100 got an AD coin from our teacher, which was nice. It was me and my buddy the warrent officer that got coins.

This coin really boosted my ego, and blew up my head. So if anyone ever had a problem with me, i would just whip out the coin, and they couldnt say anything. mmmm

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