Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday 5/27- Juicing, Day 2

Happy Memorial Day!! I made it to day 2 alright. It's now monday night, it was a pretty easy day. This juicing kinda does make you full after have a cup of it, so its nice. I also have water whenever i can too, cuz ive been seeming to be a little dehydrated too. Went to the gym today as well. I did a crap ton of cardio today, it went really well, dont think its from the juicing just yet, dno if you can see results this quick energy wise, but hey whatever. So that was nice, then we had a fire drill today. Alarm accidentally went off, so we all met outside.
It's funny, cuz most of the time you think youre the only one in the building. But i counted 60 people that came outside. That is a crap ton of people! I was like holy smokes, all these people are just cooped up in their rooms too? It didnt make me feel as bad for not doing anything anymore. Didnt know it was this dead here, i really didnt. Hopefully a vehicle will change that though. 
So monday night, made some juice for tomorrows breakfast, and lunch so i can bring to work lol. I already had a little bit of it tonight, oh mother nature. I just have to laugh and think ive been able to eat whatever i wanted for the past 22 years, i should be able to take 30 days off. Its only 30 friggen days, i have to stay strong. But tomorrow should be interesting. I'm probably going to be one pissed off person, just calling it out meow, in case my blog is just a bunch of hatred towards the world lol. I just have to sit in ADMIN, get some more signatures, then i should be able to start working on the aircrafts soon. Im excited, gets my outta this dang room, and interacting with human beings lol. But lunch tomorrow, im already having nightmares about it. ughh. But itll be day 3 by then, the guy in the movie said day 3 was a turning point anyway. We'll see.
Im about to watch TREMORS, and probs head to bed. wish me luck!!

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