Sunday, May 19, 2013

A School- Phase 2+3/ Night Watch

I get a couple energy drinks, and i think im ready to go. I got a partner in crime that walks around with me, one does flashlight, one does radio. I did the radio, just for the heck of it. This other kid- carroll did this for like a week before me, so he showed me the ropes. We walked around aimlessly checking doors, making sure they were locked, and watched out for coyotes, etc. We had to report to the main quarterdeck every hour on the hour, so we made it so 2 laps around the entire building equals an hour total, so about 12 laps would mean our shift was over. That was harder than you think. By 3 am I was hallucinating ghosts, and just totally out of it. We got out at 5am, and i ran back to my room to pass out, until whenever i pleased. Or 10pm- my next watch. i usually would wake up around noon, go eat lunch, and then come back and go to bed. It was a great pattern, and my roommate and i would both do this. I soon became a master at my profession and pitied those on barracks support. I could walk around in the middle of the day in my civilian clothes, i was beginning to rush it, love it.
Phase 2 and 3 were coming up quickly already, thats how i was able to walk around in civilian clothes, it was simple enough, cuz i didnt do much of anything wrong. It was so nice just to wear shorts. mmm, shorts.
The night shifts were going along great, but some nights, i would just get so tired, and it would get like realllllly cold outside that we had to bring a lot of layers, i would shiver so incredibly bad praying for the morning to come.
After about a nice 2-3 weeks of working the night shift, I was about to get classes!!! The reason i was at A school! Finally!. It was normal for AD's to class up about a month and a half into being in pensacola. I was right on schedule!

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