Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday 5/28- Juicing, Day 3

What a day it has been!! I woke up this morning, after waking up like 5 times during the night. I went to the fridge and drank my juice made up of a bunch of green vegetables. It was awful, absolutely awful. i had to chase it with water, lots of water. caught the bus at 7 am, and was off to work!! I got there and expected a long day of doing nothing, but i took matters into my own hand. I asked them if they needed anymore information from me at all, they didnt really give me a direct answer, so i went down to my shop area, where i will be part of the "line shack." this is to get us adjusted to the jets and how they work, etc. I didnt quite start any jobs today but i watched them refuel jets, and switch pilots out of the jets, which is a lot harder than it seems. It was actually a pretty cool site to see. I was on the runway, and saw the jets take off right in front of me.
So it was getting around lunch time, and i had brought a bottle of my green juice. Wasnt looking forward to it, but i knew i had to stick to the plan. Then i got put on a list of people going to lunch, and they offered to drive me to the dining hall. I was like, alright ill go and have a water or some veges that they have there. We get there, and the food is so tempting. I end up getting a slab of fish and some corn. i know i may have strayed from the path a little bit, but i feel as if it was a really good choice, and i got to bond with some team players. After we got back from lunch there wasnt really much left to do, so i just hung out and chugged my juice that i had. We got out at 2pm today because we have command PT at 3. I asked a person from lunch from a ride home, and they gladly gave it to me.
Got my PT gear on and headed to the gym. Had myself a great workout, and even better sauna, lol marc. I dno what it has been but the past 2 days i have not had any allergy attacks, and i have been sweating like 10x more when i have been working out. I was dripping sweat the whole time at the gym, it was awesome. Probs google "sweating more when fasting" or something like that. Anyway it was a good day today, and my uniform did fit a lot better than it has been lately, i feel like this is too good to be true.
But for dinner, im not gonna lie, i went out and bought a yogurt with those little crunchy things in it. That was probably the most deliscious thing i have ever tasted. It was so flippin good. Call it cheating, call it whatever, it was amazing. While i was there i bought a ton of strawberries, blueberries, apples and oranges. Came home and made some mixtures for tomorrows breakfast and lunch. Its gonna be a really good day. Im excited.

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